Re: WCAG Silver Harm from motion Subgroup, week 8 (final) meeting, September 18 at 9am EDT

Reminder: the harm from motion subgroup will not meet this week due to
TPAC. Our next and final  meeting is on Monday, September 18.

On Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 6:36 PM Rain Michaels <> wrote:

> Dear AGWG,
> The *Harm from motion Subgroup* will have our final meeting, week 8, on *Monday,
> September 18 at 9am ETD*.
> Note that we will ***not**** be meeting on Monday, Sept. 11 due to TPAC*.
> *Agenda
> <>:*
>    - Review our work and make sure the document is ready to be
>    transformed into our final pull request
> *Prework (all subgroup members): *
>    - By September 12 (Tuesday), Rain will have collected everything into
>    a draft for the pull request. After that, Rain will tag the subgroup
>    members and ask you each to review, edit, and raise any notes or concerns
>    before we meet on September 18.
> *Meeting details: *
>    - Local meeting time:
>    - Dial-up info:
>       - (Same as Silver TF, note that this page has the Silver TF time on
>       it, not the subgroup's)
>    - IRC:
>    - Subgroup page:
> Warmly,
> Rain
> [image: Google logo written with braille dots and ASL hands]
> Rain Breaw Michaels
> Design Lead, Accessibility UX

Received on Monday, 11 September 2023 01:14:01 UTC