Re: SURVEY Updating the AG Decision Policy (WCAG 3 Related)

Regrets. I am on PTO next week

On 1 June 2023 at 15:24:50, Bradley Montgomery, Rachael L ( wrote:

> Hello,
> We will be discussing proposed updates to the AG Decision Policy at the
> June 13th AG meeting. These would take effect after we move to the new
> charter so primarily affect creating WCAG 3.  Please complete the survey by
> 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, June 8th.
> Survey on AG Decision Policy Changes (WCAG 3)
> <>
> Kind regards,
> Rachael
> ---
> Rachael Bradley Montgomery, PhD
> Digital Accessibility Architect
> Library of Congress
> Email:

Received on Thursday, 1 June 2023 14:36:32 UTC