Thank you and next steps


As we move to a new charter, we will be closing the Silver Task Force and focusing conversations in the main group on WCAG 3.  While we still have a good deal of work to do on WCAG 3, we want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible amount of work the Silver Taskforce has done and make sure you all know how to engage going forward.

As the working group learned when creating WCAG 2.0, transforming the world's approach to accessibility standards is a huge task. The Silver Task Force has laid the groundwork for the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG) to accomplish this.

Thank you all for the time and energy you have contributed.

As we ramp up for the next two years, we will be:

  *   Closing the Silver Taskforce,
  *   Making WCAG 3 the priority of the AG,
  *   Keeping the Silver Community Group open but running it through AG instead,
  *   Doing more targeted outreach to experts.

If you are an invited expert, please continue to engage at Tuesday AG meetings and through Github.

If you are in the community group, please contribute in Github and in review requests. We have created training documents on the WCAG 3 process and using Github<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!I38-6lWOMU0xFEC-STrGaHrIFvUCTM5LP4HipPJXwId4KWIUi31uqCEJeiAKXQXCLUYLD1RwSk1ezgRfxfwieJbJ$>.

In the next few months, we will be creating a set of guidelines at the exploratory level. The list of guidelines we have currently identified as placeholders based on WCAG 2.2 are in the WCAG 3 working draft<*guidelines__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!I38-6lWOMU0xFEC-STrGaHrIFvUCTM5LP4HipPJXwId4KWIUi31uqCEJeiAKXQXCLUYLD1RwSk1ezgRfxaJCqrA3$>.

We will need research and topic expertise for each of these. If you have expertise in any of these areas, please consider helping with this research task.  We will be starting subgroup work for each one during the annual W3C convention, TPAC, which runs from 11-15 September 2023.

If you have an interest in short term participation on a specific topic, please complete the TPAC Planning Survey<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!I38-6lWOMU0xFEC-STrGaHrIFvUCTM5LP4HipPJXwId4KWIUi31uqCEJeiAKXQXCLUYLD1RwSk1ezgRfxXIOepq9$> as soon as possible, and indicate your area of interest and availability during that week.

Kind regards,

AG Chairs

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2023 13:43:10 UTC