Pausing Silver Friday meetings


We (Task Force Facilitators, AG WG Chairs, Wilco, & Michael) have decided
to pause our regular Friday calls while we focus on publishing and subgroup
processes for the overall Working Group. We will not be meeting this Friday.

Since we got the Error Notifications document to a good stopping point,
we've reached a place where we'd pick up a new project for our Friday group
to work on. Leadership wants to step back to work out how we will manage
subgroup work, review, and publication before kicking off the next phase of
subgroup work. We hope to work through this quickly, and will let you know
when that happens.

In the meantime, thank you for all the hard work you've put in. You will
see a new survey to publish the next WCAG 3 Working Draft go out in the
next few days - We hope you will take the time to provide your feedback.
There will be a short overview of that at Tuesday's meeting as well.

Much appreciated,

Shawn & the AG WG Planners

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 17:24:04 UTC