[Protocols] Agenda for March 4th, 2022

Hi All,

The Protocols Subgroup will meet again this Friday, March 4th at 9:00 AM Boston Time (1400 UTC).

The Zoom teleconference data is provided at this link:


We will be on IRC using the W3C server at https://irc.w3.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/irc.w3.org/__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!ZvVx1wh89EAXhBiorHpgvdpQRlEtQPxaEsJbJ7_Q3MrxtnQGs5lwbIC34ybOl3ZsYw$>, in channel #wcag3-protocols

These and additional details of our work, including minutes, current, and archived draft documents are available on our subgroup wiki page here:


*** Agenda ***
agenda+ Develop a way for a lay-person to assess whether a protocol was followed

     *   Pick 2-3 things that are likely protocols (Plainlanguage.gov, BBC style guidelines, ?)
     *   Propose a way to evaluate (pass/fail):

                                                               i.      Whether the protocol was done

                                                             ii.      How well the protocol was followed

                                                           iii.      The quality of the results
Charles Adams

Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2022 18:41:46 UTC