Re: [Conformance] Thoughts/ edits on the Use Cases Document

I worked as a consultant for a crypto wallet and we found some things
really challenging. Let's say it kind of works as a stock exchange
platform. Stock prices change really fast too, even though I am not sure
they change as fast as crypto prices does.

El mié, 27 jul 2022 a las 20:02, Susana Pallero (<>) escribió:

> In the cryptocurrency apps the crypto price changes so fast there are some
> things that would not apply, for example it is not possible to comply with
> Timeout criteria when the user is about to buy because they can only
> maintain the price for 5 seconds. On the other hand, on each cryptocurrency
> information panel prices change at a pace of 1 or 2 seconds, so as soon as
> a price is announced a lot of new prices are shown.
> El mié, 27 jul 2022 a las 19:08, Jeanne Spellman (<
>>) escribió:
>> Susana,
>> What about cryptocurrency apps would make it hard to conform?  I think
>> the apps should conform, and the data is just the data, but perhaps I am
>> not seeing the bigger picture.
>> jeanne
>> On 7/27/2022 12:55 PM, Susana Pallero wrote:
>> Hi team,
>> I would like your opinion about if data that is updated at a fast pace
>> (such as cryptocurrency apps) would be part of the Use Cases.
>> Thanks,
>> Regards,
>> El vie, 13 may 2022 a las 15:59, Bruce Bailey (<>)
>> escribió:
>>> We had a similar issue/concern for “raw data” with the Revised 508
>>> Standards.  Jeanne, can you suggest a wiki or GitHub page where I might
>>> share/memorialize some of that experience?
>>> The issue comes up in Technical Assistance in that if the business need
>>> is, for example, an mpeg file format – that does not include captioning.
>>> For federal agencies under 508, we point to the allowance for “fundamental
>>> alteration”:
>>> As Andy notes, any prepared product would need captioning.  Drawing the
>>> line for public facing raw data gets pretty tricky pretty fast.  Is the
>>> agency really only posting B-roll stuff?  If it worth sharing, why is not
>>> also worth providing some kind of timed-text file?  During the 508 public
>>> comment period, there were conversations about exceptions for “drafts” and
>>> “works in progress” and the Access Board ultimately came to the conclusion
>>> that would have been too much of a loophole.
>>> Still there are a couple of additional notable caveats related to the
>>> limits of file formats:
>>> Authoring Tools, General
>>> …to the extent that information required for accessibility is supported
>>> by the destination format.
>>> Content Creation or Editing
>>> …to file formats supported by the authoring tool.
>>> --
>>> Bruce Bailey (he/him)
>>> Accessibility IT Specialist
>>> U.S. Access Board
>>> 1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000
>>> Washington, DC  20004-1111
>>> 202-760-1947 (mobile)
>>> Thank you for your questions concerning section 508 of the
>>> Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998.  Section 508 authorizes the Access
>>> Board to provide technical assistance to individuals and Federal
>>> departments and agencies concerning the requirements of this section.
>>> Technical assistance provided in this email is intended solely as informal
>>> guidance; it is neither a determination of your legal rights or
>>> responsibilities, nor a statement of the official views of the U.S. Access
>>> Board or any other federal agency.  Any links to non-federal websites are
>>> provided as a courtesy and do not represent an endorsement of the linked
>>> information, products, or services.
>>> *From:* Andrew Somers <>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:15 PM
>>> *To:* Gregg Vanderheiden <>
>>> *Cc:* Silver TF <>; Jeanne Spellman <
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Conformance] Thoughts/ edits on the Use Cases Document
>>> Hi Gregg, this is good and examines a useful array of use cases and
>>> exceptions/qualifiers.
>>> *A potential “raw data” exception:*
>>> Something I mentioned in a related thread some months ago, relates to
>>> “original data” for example:
>>> Camera original .mov, .avi or similar movie files are often important to
>>> be kept as-is and unaltered, for evidentiary purposes for example.
>>> Embedding things like caption data (into the file) typically results in the
>>> file being re-compressed, which results in data loss. As such, a reasonable
>>> exception to the captioning requirement relates to camera original files
>>> which reasonably need to be left in their unaltered form.
>>> Caption files can be created as sidecars, of course—and naturally, a
>>> separate version of the video file can be created to make captions
>>> available, but consider a site such as WikiLeaks, where information that is
>>> socially/politically important is held for dissemination. It is better that
>>> a site be able to hold a mass of such data than to be prohibited from doing
>>> so due to a compliance issue. And when possible, evidentiary data is best
>>> held/provided in an unaltered form.
>>> Naturally, a commercial news operation should not be able to use such an
>>> exception when it comes to their *prepared* newscasts, but even a
>>> commercial news operation should be able to provide raw/unaltered footage
>>> as a separately available file, and “raw” files can not reasonably be
>>> required to be altered.
>>> As such, this points to needed exception language for raw, original, and
>>> archival materials.
>>> Andy
>>> *   Andrew Somers *
>>> Senior Color Science Researcher
>>> *PerceptEx Perception Research Project*
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> On May 12, 2022, at 1:54 PM, Gregg Vanderheiden <
>>>> wrote:
>>> This is a work in progress —
>>> I’m posting it for review and feedback as I go
>>> <Use Cases for WCAG 3.0 Conformance.docx>
>>> gregg
>>> ———————————
>>> Professor, University of Maryland, College Park
>>> Founder and Director Emeritus , Trace R&D Center, UMD
>>> Co-Founder Raising the Floor.
>>> <>
>>> The Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII)
>>> <>
>>> The Morphic project
>>> <>

Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2022 18:06:24 UTC