WCAG 3 Issue Severity subgroup meeting, July 27 (Week 2)

Hi, all

The second Issue Severity subgroup meeting is on Wednesday July 27th at 11am Eastern.

Agenda per “week 2” in the WCAG subgroup handbook<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_caRiZaTQDmsd2Vq415sz4AIullNse-GeGtohUfg_5M/edit#heading=h.3vg2bjofsfhs>

  *   Review week 1 homework
  *   Creating a high-level outline, framework or schedule, depending on our goal.
  *   Identify and record places where there is consensus and where opinions differ.
  *   Identify known challenges or outstanding questions that need to be answered.
  *   Opens

Use the #wcag3-scoring IRC channel.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Francis Storr
Design Lead, Accessibility, Intel IT

Received on Monday, 25 July 2022 21:02:15 UTC