RE: agenda for Silver meeting of 7 January 2022

Happy New Year!

Most of the call was about how our writing over the next several months might include more aspects of UAAG<> (user agents like web browsers and video players) and ATAG<> (authoring tools used for creating web pages).

The group working on Error Handling<> is offering to provide leadership with this early activity.  This group is asking for more help and volunteers.

The tools (websites) we will be using to do our writing are getting better, but there will be changes, and things are a work in progress.  We need people to keep working hard, even while we all figure out together how to make the processes easier.

Next Friday, we have a special presentation by the Accessibility for Children Community Group<>.

As has been our recent pattern, the first hour of AGWG call next Tuesday (1/11) is focused on WCAG 3.  Starting after next week, the current plan is for those Tuesday calls to spend more time on WCAG 3, and less time on WCAG 2.2.

Please sign up to take notes some of the time:

More detailed note from the call today are available at:

From: Jeanne Spellman <>
Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2022 5:34 PM
To: Silver Task Force <>
Subject: agenda for Silver meeting of 7 January 2022

agenda+ Issue 503

agenda+ How to integrate ATAG and UAAG into the structure?

agenda+ Volunteers to update the Method documents

== Links ==

Issue 503<>

ATAG 2.0<>

UAAG 2.0<>

Methods Template<>

Silver Content Writing Resources<>

== Conference Call ==<>

IRC channel: #silver W3C web IRC<>

Scribe List<>

Received on Friday, 7 January 2022 16:49:01 UTC