- From: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>
- Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 11:08:29 -0500
- To: public-silver@w3.org
Minutes from the Silver Task Force and Community Group teleconference of Friday 4 February are provided here. =========================================================== SUMMARY: * Noting TPAC 2022 announced; hybrid physical/virtual 12-16 September; * Update on rechartering discussion; no consensus yet * Discussion of protocols progress; examples considered; definition not quite there yet; * Discussion on how best to structure migrating and introducing content into WCAG3 structure =========================================================== Hypertext minutes available at: https://www.w3.org/2022/02/04-silver-minutes.html =========================================================== Minutes from the Silver Task Force and Community Group teleconference of Friday 4 June are provided here. =========================================================== SUMMARY: * Update on May heartbeat; Its good to go! * Discussion of timelines and other considerations for better engaging with AGWG on the August heartbeat and beyond =========================================================== Hypertext minutes available at: https://www.w3.org/2021/06/04-silver-minutes.html =========================================================== W3C – DRAFT – Silver Task Force & Community Group 04 June 2021 IRC log. Attendees Present AngelaAccessForAll, ChrisLoiselle, Chuck_, Fazio, Francis_Storr, Jan, jeanne, jennifer, JF, KimD, Laura_Carlson, Lauriat, Rain, sajkaj, sarahhorton, SuzanneTaylor, ToddLibby Regrets - Chair jeanne, Shawn Scribe sajkaj Contents 1. Update on May heartbeat draft 2. Commenting on scripts for EO videos 3. Moving to subgroup over W3C calendar app 4. Meeting schedule discussion 5. Plan for August heartbeat draft Meeting minutes <ChrisLoiselle> Unable to scribe. sl: Looks for update info Update on May heartbeat draft Chuck_: Some valid concerns were raised and we've been working those issues out Chuck_: All -1 votes have changed to +1 and we are good as of the moment jeanne: Questions? [crickets] Commenting on scripts for EO videos jeanne: Recalls was discussed briefly last week ... jeanne: This is a series of short videos from E&O about specific SC criteria, but are writing them in a way that will work for both 2.x and 3 <Lauriat> Survey link, I think I found it: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WCAGvideos_batch2thorough/ jeanne: Comments requested on any script of particular interest jeanne: It' It's not necessary to comment on all scripts . You can pick and choose! . Survey closes 7 June, I believe <ChrisLoiselle> due June 7th. Per Brent's email. Moving to subgroup over W3C calendar app jeanne: Apologies for overload from the calendar invite jeanne: Was my error with the new system jeanne: Proposing to move all subgroup meetings to this calendar jeanne: Allows subgroup leaders to add and delete participants jeanne: Have some subgroups set up, but not all jeanne: If I'm not regularly in your subgroup, please email me with data! Chuck_: Curious about user error? Chuck_: Is it very easy to get confused? Or is it just a learning issue? jeanne: Believe it will be easy and convenient once we learn to use it jeanne: I misinterpreted a field definition jeanne: i.e."End Field" is meeting end, not something else jeanne: But once meeting flagged out of draft, it's forwarded to the list jeanne: Don't set it to 'confirm' until you know you've got it right! jeanne: Requesting patience with newbie error! <Chuck_> Thank you for doing the recon for us Lauriat: Sounds useful! Meeting schedule discussion jeanne: Notes Errors guideline didn't fair as well as hoped on AGWG call jeanne: Consequently, following discussion, we're going to try and get AGWG info about upcoming decision points earlier jeanne: So, trying to figure out what various subgroups want in August draft so it can be forwarded to AGWG well before we're trying to publish <Chuck_> +1 to strategy jeanne: Does also mean we'll be meeting with AGWG weekly, at least through June, and probably through July jeanne: Is that OK? Any objections? jeanne: Do we also need to have Silver on Tuesday in addition? jeanne: Most interested in hearing from Makoto, so seems he's adjusted <JF> +1 shawn Lauriat: Whatever we discuss can also be sent out sarahhorton: Notes Errors presented to this group multiple times, and also to AGWG some weeks ago, ... sarahhorton: Absolutely believe in getting concepts out early sarahhorton: Not sure what will be enough given the experience this week sarahhorton: How do we get them invested in successful outcomes Chuck_: Just brainstorming ... Chuck_: Individuals on both groups have expressed interested in migrating content Chuck_: Hoping more participants will be more familiarity and investment Chuck_: Additionally, believe Jeanne is formulating a proposal to AGWG based on a long standing AGWG process Chuck_: So that may help <Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to note the regularity on publishing, in hopes of reducing fears of missing August (or a particular draft) so we can also get used to iterating on the work as helpful Lauriat: Believe those will help ... Lauriat: Hopefully publishing regularly will also help Lauriat: So, if some content piece misses a particular heartbeat, the next one will be soon, and therefore the opportunity to get it in sooner, not later Lauriat: Heartbeats should also give greater ease about including content, because it will be clearer all drafts can be changed Lauriat: Recalls also the open question about changing Friday Silver telecon time? Or adding back the Tuesday Silver call? Lauriat: Thoughts? Chuck_: I like reduced meetings, but have continued to join even the cancelled Tuesday call just in case Chuck_: Just incase someone shows up with something to discuss sajkaj: Like a Clubhouse room! :) [group rifs on Clubhouse] <Lauriat> +1 to that idea <Lauriat> (the meetings, not the clubhouse naming) jeanne: Hearing no objections ... jeanne: Tuesday call not deleted, but not formally expected at least through June and July jeanne: Friday call will continue jeanne: Please check public-silver@w3.org for AGWG agenda and WBS survey! It's important to the process Lauriat: Suggest a quick email followup on our list Lauriat: Makes it clear and provides opportunity for any others to comment Plan for August heartbeat draft <KimD> +1 to Tuesday flexibility <jeanne> o Conformance Options wants a proposal on 3rd party content <jeanne> o probably more from Errors <jeanne> o Structured Content wants new material but need more participation <jeanne> o Accessibility for Children Community Group has restarted and <jeanne> will be working on user needs and identifying research gaps. <jeanne> This probably will not be part of the August heartbeat but is <jeanne> useful to get started. jeanne: Notes discussion last week ... jeanne: Conformance Options will have Third Party Content proposal jeanne: Errors expects to have more content ready jeanne: Accessibility for Children has restarted and will be working--but not August jeanne: Asks about Visual Contrast?? ChrisLoiselle: Internal discussions for particular PRs, at the moment no additional ChrisLoiselle: Can't yet say for August jeanne: So the PRs are the key? ChrisLoiselle: Yes jeanne: So, we'll need to schedule AGWG time for that SuzanneTaylor: XR subgroup can try to have 2 methods for caption timing SuzanneTaylor: We can try to go through the process, currently revising the drafts to get more feedback jeanne: Any timeline? SuzanneTaylor: Not sure SuzanneTaylor: Trying to get consensus from group SuzanneTaylor: probably mid July jeanne: that would work jeanne: Goal is to have everything introduced and perhaps through the process by end July <Chuck_> Janina: Question on contrast. CSS flagged something for us. Is there something we can pass on to CSS? <Chuck_> Chris: From point of conversing with W3C, there's been discussions between the need to bridge between the groups informally and would like to do that. <Chuck_> Chris: I haven't spoken to anybody specifically on that topic. <Chuck_> Janina: Let me know if there's a best write-up I can point CSS towards. I'll make them aware. I think they will be excited to see it. <Chuck_> Chris: Any email or thread please forward to me. <Chuck_> Janina: But nothing in the form of draft yet? <Chuck_> Chris: No, not yet. Lauriat: Other questions on heartbeat? jeanne: Other groups not yet reported? COGA input? Jan_: Just had a kickoff meeting to start work on help and links back to Content Usable jan Don't know whether it will be ready for August Jan_: Can touch base jeanne: Glad to hear it's started Rain: Exactly, but also another subgroup looking at Clear Words jeanne: Would be most helpful, thanks <Fazio> John Rochford EA Draffan are very active on clear words Jan_: That's our only new guideline which isn't a migration from 2.x so far <Fazio> we just discussed it yesterday Fazio: Maturity Model -- will be presenting to AGWG soon, and will be meeting next Friday to preview -- jeanne: Would you like to present next Friday here? Fazio: Possibly Fazio: Will run it by the group jeanne: There's time next week Fazio: Will advise jeanne: Please keep Shawn and me in the loop; and please advise when ready to present jeanne: Usually need a few weeks warning to get calendered onto AGWG agenda Lauriat: I will update via email on list re upcoming meetings schedule Lauriat: Bye to all! -- Janina Sajka (she/her/hers) https://linkedin.com/in/jsajka Linux Foundation Fellow Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: http://a11y.org The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa
Received on Friday, 4 February 2022 16:08:43 UTC