Re: CFC - WCAG 3.0 Acknowledgements


Thinking some more about how we handle credits in Hollywood, there may be cases where you’d want to have a “special thanks” if there is/are cases of someone who is not part of W3 or community groups, that donated something of value to the overall process.


> On Feb 16, 2021, at 9:13 AM, Rachael Montgomery <> wrote:
> Leonie,
> Thank you for the request. Please see below.
> Enhanced Acknowledgements Proposal
> Goals: 
> To have the names actually be more useful than just an undifferentiated list, but avoid the burden of maintaining specific individual contributions. 
> To have sections of Acknowledgements with people’s names in the sections.  People can be in more than one section. With a sectioned list, it is possible to narrow down who was working on specific sections and make it easier to find individual accomplishments.   
> Here are the proposed sections. 
> Authors: People who wrote big swathes of WCAG3 and also the people who could be counted on to write small proposals that solved big problems.  
> Subgroup Leaders: From the Subgroup list on the wiki home page.  These people deserve lots of credit.  Ping Jeanne if they need to be updated. 
> Subgroup Participants: This could be grabbed from the Subgroup home pages where there is a participant list. We can ask the subgroup leaders to keep that list up to date.  
> Researchers: People whose research outside of task force/working group meetings were used in  the development of WCAG 3.  This is where I see people like Andy, Mike Crabb, Joshue, Francis, Jake, Cybele, Luis, Jemma, Sarah, Dave Sloan.
> Participating Contributors: The people who regularly showed up, and especially participated and scribed. This should be the people that participated regularly for more than 6 months. Regularly should be defined as at least x (3-5? 6-8?) meetings per month on average.  I don’t mean to calculate each one, but in case it is challenged, we have that definition.   
> On Feb 16, 2021, 12:11 PM -0500, Léonie Watson <>, wrote:
>> Rachel,
>> Could you share the proposal in email? GoogleDocs are not usable by
>> everyone, and not available in all parts of the world.
>> Thanks
>> Léonie.
>> On 16/02/2021 15:58, Rachael Bradley Montgomery wrote:
>>> Call For Consensus — ends Friday February 19th at 10:00 Boston time.
>>> The Working Group has discussed criteria for acknowledgement sections in
>>> WCAG 3.0
>>> <>
>>> at
>>> <>
>>> Call minutes:
>>> <>
>>> If you have concerns about this proposed consensus position that have
>>> not been discussed already and feel that those concerns result in you
>>> “not being able to live with” this decision, please let both groups know
>>> before the CfC deadline.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Rachael
>>> --
>>> Rachael Montgomery, PhD
>>> Director, Accessible Community
>>> <>
>>> "I will paint this day with laughter;
>>> I will frame this night in song."
>>>  - Og Mandino
>> --
>> Director @TetraLogical

Received on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 04:44:41 UTC