Pre-CFC: Silver Requirements Revision


Please read below and write back to these lists if you have any concerns
about the proposed wording. If we have broad agreement or hear nothing back
by next Wednesday (10 February) , we will move this forward to CFC within
the AG.

Thank you,



The Requirements for Silver
<> were
published with WCAG 3.0.

COGA requested a revision to include the requirement to support a wider
range of disabilities as a requirement in the document. Silver had proposed
wording which the AG revised at the last meeting. The current proposed
wording of requirement 4.1 is below.

*Proposed wording*

*4.1 Broad disability support*
All WCAG 3.0 guidance has tests or procedures so that the results can be
verified. Some of this guidance uses true/false verification. In addition,
WCAG 3.0 guidance includes other methods of measuring (for example,
rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with
disabilities, and more). This approach accommodates people whose needs are
better reflected by a broad testing strategy, such as people with low
vision, limited vision, or cognitive and learning disabilities.

Rachael Montgomery, PhD
Director, Accessible Community

"I will paint this day with laughter;
I will frame this night in song."
 - Og Mandino

Received on Friday, 5 February 2021 10:21:55 UTC