Silver Minutes 24 September

Minutes from the Silver Task Force and Community Group teleconference of
Friday 24 September are provided here.

*            Announcement from Chairs that stress between Silver and AGWG
              interactions is noted and being worked on;
*            Majority of call looked at drafted placeholder guidelines and
              intersections with user needs/functions; Goal is to identify covered
or not and to get a sense of work scope.

Hypertext minutes available at:


                                                                                                            - DRAFT -
                                                                                               Silver Task Force & Community Group

24 September 2021

   IRC log.


          jenniferS, Makoto, sajkaj, SuzanneTaylor





    1. Quick update on Error Prevention next steps
    2. Placeholder guidelines and how we incorporate into the draft

Meeting minutes

   <Lauriat> Please sign up to scribe:

   <Lauriat> Also we need a scribe for today!

  Quick update on Error Prevention next steps

   Chuck: Notes that chairs are aware there have been stresses between Silver and AGWG -- and chairs are working on how to bring us all forward togewther

   Chuck: So, requesting everyone hold for the moment

  Placeholder guidelines and how we incorporate into the draft


   Lauriat: Fleshed out enough to give an indication of what WCAG3 might look like

   Lauriat: In the expectation and in response to the request that this is helpful

   Lauriat: drafted based on the 2.x to silver map

   Lauriat: does not include 2.2

   Lauriat: these are "placeholder" guidelines

   Lauriat: some are pretty solid, and others not

   Lauriat: multimodality version of 2.4.5 ...

   Lauriat: clear lang gives us something to point to

   <Chuck> janina: Note on conformance, when we agreed that next draft would have user generated, we would flag "that" in there. Same expectation of what we presented on media a few days ago. No commence since. May
   emerge more.

   <Chuck> janina: media, captions, described media. Portions such as text alternatives, we'll treat differently than the web publisher. Does anything drafted encompass media or user generated?

   sajkaj: Asks about marking user generated (and media) ...

   Lauriat: Some would be media ...

   Lauriat: believe user gen should be kept separate for now

   Lauriat: when we put this in a draft, there will be the framing caveat -- i.e. a direction, not a finished product to implement

   Lauriat: the point for now is the shape of things, not implementation ready content

   <Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to remove strikethroughs for screen-reaader users and to ask if members of Conformance Options could put in notes in this outline?

   jeanne: Thanks Shawn, because it's lots of work and very helpful

   jeanne: suggests removing the strikethroughs as it's a complication for screen reader users

   jeanne: Asks Conformance Options people to annotate where things might fit by way of notes

   Lauriat: OK to cleanup

   Lauriat: Not sure annotation from Conformance is yet helpful? If it would be helpful to get a sense ...

   Lauriat: suggests ed notes in the groupings

   Lauriat: the list at the bottom of the doc is purposefully not linking to anything -- the grouping list up top does link

   jeanne: agrees

   <Chuck> janina: Should I look at groupings and put in editors note?

   <Chuck> jeanne: I'll work with you Janina if you'd like.

   <Chuck> janina: I was looking at it this morning, and seeing the actions that need to be taken.

   <Chuck> jeanne: I can help with that too.

   <Chuck> back to you janina

   Lauriat: notes each grouping has a struct; many have no methods yet

   Lauriat: methods may be the place for the note--or top level bullet

   JakeAbma_: Confirming this is placeholder guidelines?

   JakeAbma_: some more related to specific user need; others more like struct/framework; others like outcomes ...

   JakeAbma_: seems they are proper goals but could be seen differently

   JakeAbma_: seems it fits one way; but may not be our eventual approach

   JakeAbma_: user needs had a similar challenge and came up with a different set of categorizations

   JakeAbma_: including apis -- nav, various tech sets

   JakeAbma_: tried to have a set that felt like they belonged together

   JakeAbma_: sdo asking as an open question; work from these? Or should we see what sets might come out if we think about it that way?

   Lauriat: re "is the list?" no,

   Lauriat: it's strictly what wcag3 might look like strictly migrating from 2

   Lauriat: this is to give an idea as we go through the process of migrating

   Lauriat: this list will be replaced eventually

  Lauriat: hopefully also helps with conformance work

   Lauriat: it's been some time since we had a wider conversation as Jake is suggesting from user needs

   Lauriat: we want to cary core principles into 3, but not as an architecture

   Lauriat: i.e. the perceivable, etc

   Lauriat: we should be able to find those 4

   Lauriat: I'm inclined to hold off getting into the specifics until user needs are more fleshed out and understood

   Lauriat: did think we could start working through taking the intersections from user needs to give us a sense of scoping

   Lauriat: so similar to user needs, but used differently

   <sajkaj> s/differently from 2/

   Wilco: asking why this list as starting point?

   Wilco: if we know it's not where we will end up

   Lauriat: mainly to use a pass of interpreting user needs and expanding some ov 2 coverage like sc around text line length

   Lauriat: expanded to customization

   Lauriat: overall management, overall customization

   Lauriat: to see how well we've covered certain intersections and where coverage is missing

   Lauriat: that was my thinking in any case. If it doesn't help, we'll try something else.

   Wilco: Not opposed, just wondering


   Lauriat: q for jake ...

   Lauriat: before intersections I see lots of direct 2 notes; but some that aren't

   Lauriat: is it just areframing of 2 SC's?

   JakeAbma_: hope i understand the question ...

   jake you're looking at intersection of functional and user needs? Yes?

   Lauriat: yes

   Lauriat: example C7

   Lauriat: oops, let's try e7

   Lauriat: notes allows for brightness adjustment

   JakeAbma_: allow for making brightness adjustments

   <Chuck> janina: Brightness adjustment, very last apa call on an api, gave horizontal review approval. API for auto-adjusting brightness based on lighting conditions. Should we have not signed off? Is there some level
   of gradience that would move away from the mean?

   <Chuck> janina: Is it a factor we should consider in the api?

   <Chuck> shawn: Great question, but not for today.

   <Chuck> shawn: some note somewhere, I asked specifically to see where the line item came from. If it came from one of the existing sc's or some other work.

   sajkaj: Notes apa signed off on a brightness api and asks whether it should be user adjustable?

   <Chuck> shawn: The answer was that it came from another row that has specific needs called out.

   Lauriat: need to capture that somewhere ... not today's discussion

   <Chuck> back to janina for scribing.

   Lauriat: is that correct?

   jake yes

   Lauriat: think we can use this mapping spread sheet to map out ...

   Lauriat: anything not text needs text alternative for example

   Lauriat: provides braille translation?

   janina suggests the AT is responsible for braille, no?

   Lauriat: provides support for non binocular needs

   Lauriat: don't believe we have coverage

   Lauriat: inclined we don't have this

   Lauriat: asks for sanity check at this point

   Wilco: having a hard time following; asks for screen share?

   SuzanneTaylor: wanted to suggest intersections not well understood by a11y industry -- we need some way to mark those

   +1 to Suzanne because APA will need that info

   SuzanneTaylor: there also may be no way to prove some assertions

   Lauriat: agree it would be helpful and believe we will uncover a lot of those

   +1 to shawn

   SuzanneTaylor: still two different categories; somethings user have told us; other things are ideas we've come up with but have no user validation for

   SuzanneTaylor: we need to avoid guidelines that we don't need--that weren't substantiated

   Lauriat: believe we can have two versions of this doc for those two purposes

   SuzanneTaylor: agrees

   JakeAbma_: worries about keeping two representations sync'd

   jake: concerned that we not lose track and get others checking; michael proposed a db

   Z access!

   Lauriat: glad this has been already thought about

   Lauriat: notes row 4 as more detailed overall needs

   Lauriat: again, trying to see what's covered and what isn't

   Lauriat: will eventually help with more than one guideline in the same intersection -- whether multiple could be amalgamated or not

   Lauriat: notes text rendering customization as related

   Wilco: surprising that text needs to be available; but there's aria-hidden

   Lauriat: yes, exactly

   Lauriat: brl translation is more implied

   Lauriat: inclined to replace with 'AT can access'

   <Chuck> janina: Interesting, not sure if it's the time to discuss. The braille one troubled me. ...created a problem for braille, was too focused on TTS user. I don't know how we keep those separate. That may be the

   janina notes that aria created problem for brl by focussing too exclusively on tts users

   Lauriat: agrees there's much to look at here with use cases

   Lauriat: notes zooming in/out -- think it's covered even though there's much to it

   Lauriat: so, maybe -- we should check

   Lauriat: color not as only means--covered

   Lauriat: luminence contrast -- much done, but more to do

   Lauriat: things that need distinguishing

   Lauriat: the work of building the guidance will help us frame it appropriately

   Lauriat: so, a maybe


   Lauriat: many instances of "allow for customization"

   Lauriat: majority may be covered; but customization brings in more users

   <Chuck> janina: We want to think about api's from that perspective, I believe.

   janina notes we want to think about apis from that perspective

   Lauriat: asks if this has been helpful


   <SuzanneTaylor> +1

   <JakeAbma_> +1

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).
   Maybe present: Chuck, jake, JakeAbma_, jeanne, Lauriat, Wilco


Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant<>

Received on Friday, 24 September 2021 15:17:28 UTC