[Conformance] Agenda for Thursday 4 November


The Silver Conformance Options Subgroup will meet again this Thursday 4 November at 12:00 PM (Noon) Boston Time (1600 UTC). You can confirm the correct time of this meeting in your local time zone using this link:


CAUTION: Because Europe has now returned to Standard Time while North America is yet to do so, this meeting will occur one hour earlier in Europe. Use the above link to ascertain the correct time of this meeting in your local time zone.

Zoom teleconference data is provided at this link:


As always, we'll be on IRC using the W3C server at irc.w3.org, in channel #silver-conf.

These and additional details of our work, including minutes, current, and
archived draft documents are available on our subgroup wiki page here:


*** Proposed Agenda ***

Agenda+             Agenda Review & Administrative Items
agenda+             Analyzing conformance challenges and scenarios
agenda+             Glossary Initial Draft Definitions
agenda+             Other Business
agenda+             Be Done


Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant

Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2021 20:19:47 UTC