[Conformance] Agenda for Thursday 11 February


The Silver Conformance Options Subgroup will meet again this Thursday 11
February at 12:00 PM (Noon) Boston Time (1700 UTC). You can confirm the correct
time of this meeting in your local time zone using this link:


Zoom teleconference data is provided at this link:


As always, we'll be on IRC using the W3C server at irc.w3.org, in channel

These and additional details of our work, including minutes and current draft
documents are available on our subgroup wiki page here:


*** Proposed Agenda ***

Agenda+             Agenda Review & Administrative Items
agenda+             Revisiting Principle #6 re Critical Failures
agenda+             Use Cases Discussion (Continued)
agenda+             Other Business
agenda+             Be Done


Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant

Received on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 20:13:37 UTC