XR Subgroup Update [April 27th 2021]

The Silver XR Subgroup is currently working asynchronously and is not carrying out weekly meetings. This email is intended as a brief update on work the group is carrying out.

1) @Suzanne Taylor has begun work on a method for the “Provides customization of caption timing to support people with limited manipulation, strength, or cognition” outcome. Please find time to give feedback on this if you can

2) There are currently 9 open issues<https://github.com/w3c/silver/labels/Subgroup%3A%20XR%20-%20Captions> on the w3c/silver github repository that relate to XR/captions. Initial responses have been created to 8 of these and are available below. Please take time to review/comment on these before they are placed on GitHub on 29th April.
     *   Issue #259 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.4vci8db4rzyf

     *   Issue #360 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.74t0jj1f9zsv

     *   Issue #379 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.md2t9liawuub

     *   Issue #415 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.puvqxs9jitu6

     *   Issue #420 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.owhufmt71jiw

     *   Issue #421 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.f42tzcuviq8

     *   Issue #438 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.99dkihi2fd7k

     *   Issue #474 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit#heading=h.jeaggtnahirc

3)  Work is underway on organising our Working Document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1om7h7HE-9sIPeBRmJrBSESQWsMGH8PysiWCpAUWXBUQ/edit> in order to provide clarity for short/medium term subgroup plans.
     *   Our current goal is to finish initial drafts for guidelines relating to subtitling in XR
     *   We need to start thinking about caption accuracy and if this is something that should be included for WCAG3
        *   Mike to explore methods that have been used to carry this out previously
     *   If you would like to participate then please reach out or visit the working document

Kind Regards

Mike Crabb

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 12:29:14 UTC