Re: [Errors] Agenda for Wednesday 14 April

Minutes from today’s meeting — thanks to Stacey for scribing!

> On Apr 13, 2021, at 4:53 PM, Sarah Horton <> wrote:
> The Errors Subgroup of the Silver Taskforce is meeting on Wednesday, April 14 at 12pm Eastern Time. Note that we normally meet at 11am Eastern Time but are meeting an hour later than usual for this week only. Apologies for any inconvenience!
> You can find call-in details at <>. Our IRC channel at <> is #silver-errors.
> The meeting information for Wednesday, 14 April 2021 is:
> Objectives
> Assigned April Tasks
> Decision about working meetings
> Agenda
> Review April Tasks and assign tasks
> Review progress on Error Prevention tests (Dean)
> Discuss “all use” functional needs; review progress assigning to individual functional needs on Error User Needs Worksheet
> Discuss reinstating working meetings
> Documents
> Errors User Needs Worksheet: <>
> The Errors Subgroup wiki page contains information about the scope and focus of our work, background information, links to project documents, information about meetings, and minutes from past meetings: <>.
> Please feel free to join the call, even if you are not in the Subgroup, and consider joining the Subgroup. The more perspectives, the better!
> All best,
> Sarah
> Sarah Horton
> <>

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 17:12:20 UTC