RE: Two brief sections for the FPWD Introduction

Oops. Resending to get BOTH files attached.

Sorry for the noise!

From: Sajka, Janina <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 8:26 PM
To: Michael Cooper <>; Jeanne Spellman <>; Shawn Lauriat <>;
Cc:; Korn, Peter <>;
Subject: Two brief sections for the FPWD Introduction


Peter and I would like to suggest the two attached brief sections for the Introduction section of the Silver FPWD. Can we discuss any questions about this Friday?

Note: I would have simplified things with a pull request, but I don't have commit access to the Silver repository.

Here's where we propose these two sections should go:

The file not-yet-here.html should go as the last section of
<aside class=summary>, i.e. immediately above </aside>

The file goals.html should go immediately above the <h3>Scope section.

In addition we would suggest an Editor's Note on Section 6 to read as follows:

<cut here>
Not yet developed is guidance on a more flexible method of claiming
conformance that is better suited to accommodate dynamic or more regularly
updated content.
<end note>




Janina Sajka
Accessibility Standards Consultant<>

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2020 00:32:10 UTC