Agenda for Silver meeting of Tuesday 27 October 2020

My partial regrets. I can participate in the first half-hour only, as there’s a TPAC breakout session at the top of the hour I need to participate in regarding Voice Agents:

I provide this level of detail because it strikes me Silver may actually have an interest in this TPAC session as it addresses emerging technologies we might say something about in WCAG 3.0 So, while I’m keenly interested in asking well formed questions in our FPWD, the TPAC window closes after this week.

Perhaps this might be a brief additional opening item Tuesday?


From: Shawn Lauriat <<>>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 10:40 AM
To: Silver TF <<>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Agenda for Silver meeting of Tuesday 27 October 2020

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agenda+ CFC reminder
agenda+ Feedback Questions for FPWD<>

Conference call info<>

Received on Tuesday, 27 October 2020 00:18:31 UTC