Minutes of Silver meeting for Tuesday 20 October 2020


   - Retrospective of where we are now and discussion on what we should do
      - Meta: We'll compile updated guidance on how to write & templates to
      - All content sub-groups
      have more work planned, before moving on to next projects
      - Next up: more migration of content, using the WCAG to Silver
      Outline Map
      as a starting point for projects.
   - Testing the conformance model (Metrics and Plan for Evaluating
   Conformance Scoring
      - Metrics for scoring: validity, reliability, sensitivity, adequacy,
      - Work topics from here: benchmarking, "substantial conformance",
      accessibility supported, and more.

Full minutes <https://www.w3.org/2020/10/20-silver-minutes.html>

Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2020 15:11:46 UTC