Summary a& Minutes from Silver meeting of 28 July 2020

== Summary ==

  * Reminder that today and next Tuesday, members of Silver will be
    presenting Conformance proposals to the Accessibility Guidelines
    Working Group (AGWG).  Members of Silver are encouraged to attend.
  * 11 August will be the Conformance Deep Dive meeting which will be 3
    2-hour Zoom calls.  Agenda and times are on the Deep Dive wiki page
    This will be in place of the regular Tuesday Silver meeting.
  * Subgroups checked in. Jeanne requested that all groups send her info
    that the group has settled on so that it can be posted to Github and
    included in a survey.  Of note was XR presenting their draft
    ofFunctional Outcomes
    Please read and comment on the ideas.  The wording will need to
    change once we settle the style of the Functional Outcomes and move
    it to plain language.
  * We continued discussion of Functional Outcomes style guide. We
    attempted to identify areas of concern to some members. We will
    continue discussion of Friday and try to reach consensus.
      o No definition of "user need" or "functional outcome"
      o In usability, user need is more like a task and functional
        outcome would be "was the task or goal achieved?"
      o Written in present tense with two clauses in stead of past tense.

== Minutes ==

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 2020 21:38:34 UTC