Summary & MInutes of Silver Conformance meeting of 14 January 2020

== Summary ==

* The changes from last week's meeting are in Github, please review and 

* We continued with the the Sampling proposal and discussed the 
differences in sampling that would be required for different sizes.


    Sites under 10 pages or products under 100 screens need to test
    every page or screen


    Sites under 100 pages or products under 100 screens (including
    counting the different dynamic states)


        All pages need to be tested with available automated tests (We
        need to find a way of saying “use a good test tool”).


        10 pages need in-depth test (10%).


            These should be representative samples of the pages. See
            WCAG-EM Parts 2-3 for guidance in selecting a representative


            Common elements such as headers, footers and navigation must
            also have manual testing.


        There may be some guidelines, like clear language, that need a
        higher percentage of sample pages for testing. We are waiting
        for research results.


    Sites or products from 100 - 1000 pages or screens:


        Automated test of all pages or screens


        In-depth test of 10% of the pages or screens up to 40 samples,
        40% of the samples tested are selected and 60% are randomly
        selected.  See WCAG-EM Parts 2-3 for guidance in selecting a
        representative sample and random selections.


        Pick out primary workflows plus high traffic pages and make sure
        that the workflows are accessible.


    Sites or products over 1000 pages or screens:


        Run automated tests on discrete sub-sections on a rotating basis.


        Pick out primary workflows plus high traffic pages and make sure
        that the workflows are accessible.


        Test representative material, test common elements (like header,
        footer, login, or navigation), test any unique elements, test
        common templates with representative data.

There is a new proposal for Point System in the catch-all Sampling 
document. Please review and be ready to discuss next Tuesday.

== Minutes ==

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2020 01:37:06 UTC