UNESCO Call For Cognitive Accessibility Research, Practices, Etc, in Lecco Italy

Good morning, everyone. I will be chairing a cognitive accessibility research session at the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Disabilities in Lecco, Italy this September. I would love to have anyone from AGWG, APA, COGA TF, Silver TF, or anyone else working in this field submit their work, any work, that helps validate effective techniques that implement cognitive accessibility. This is an UNESCO sanctioned event, and effort. The deadline for submissions is April 01, 2020. Please also share with your colleagues outside the W3C that might be involved in this field. Below are the details:

ICCHP 2020 provides an additional scheme for writing, publishing and presenting your work!
AT, eAccessibility and eInclusion are user, practice and service driven domains. Progress and success are very much based on the interaction with, contribution by and participation of all stakeholder groups (e.g. users, end user organizations, service providers, policy, administration, industry, NGOs). Every voice counts in the exchange on the impact of R&D on practice and in domains in need of creative and innovative R&D and co-operation.
To strengthen exchange and co-operation between practice and R&D as a key asset for technical and social innovation, we invite interested authors coming from diverse domains to submit outlines of concept papers, models, reports, ideas, and position papers on topics related to digital inclusion. Accepted contributions will be part of the ICCHP presentation program and the papers will be published in the 1st digital edition of our ICCHP open access compendium “Future Perspectives in AT, eAccessibility and eInclusion”.
Registration to ICCHP by at least one author per contribution is mandatory, check ICCHP website<https://icchp.org/forum-20> for info!
The 17th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2020)
will be held at
Politecnico di Milano - Polo Territoriale di Lecco
(Find it<https://drive.google.com/open?id=12nE4O6itLGcAF5uJHiANd4Jf_LoOMjxX&usp=sharing> on Google Maps)
Via Gaetano Previati 1/c
23900 Lecco LC
ICCHP 2020 will take place from September 09-11 2020.
Preconference will take place from September 07-08 2020.
ICCHP provides a unique platform for end users, researchers, developers and practitioners including amongst others:

  *   A scientific conference presenting and discussing reviewed papers<https://www.icchp.org/submissions-20/> (~50% acceptance rate) which will be published in SPRINGER Lecture Notes in Computer Science<https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines>).
  *   The Universal Learning Design Track giving a special emphasis and focus on inclusive learning environments and learning for inclusion organised by colleagues from Masaryk University<https://www.muni.cz/en>, Brno, Czech Republic
  *   Special Thematic Sessions<https://www.icchp.org/sts-20> organised, chaired and supervised for publishing by leading experts to provide a comprehensive overview to very specific aspects of eAccessibility and eInclusion
  *   Our 1st digital edition of the ICCHP open access compendium “Future Perspectives in AT, eAccessibility and eInclusion” - to make every voice count
  *   The ICCHP Forum<https://www.icchp.org/forum-20> consisting of:
     *   A service and practice forum
     *   Workshop, Tutorials and Seminars
     *   ICCHP Introductory Forum for lighthouse activities and influencing speakers
  *   ICCHP Next Generation<https://www.icchp.org/next-gen-20> consisting of:
     *   Young Researchers Consortium
     *   ICC4A - the ICCHP Coding Contest for (e)Accessibility
  *   The ICCHP Inclusion Fair<https://www.icchp.org/fair-20> showcasing and hosting
     *   Projects, Products, Services, Organizations, Posters as well as
     *   Meetings
  *   The ICCHP Roland Wagner Award<http://www.icchp.org/award> sponsored by the Austrian Computer Society<https://www.ocg.at/en/ocg-home>
  *   An agreeable Social Programme<http://www.icchp.org/social-events-20> for networking and enjoyment
Every ICCHP has been attended by more than 400 international and 200 national guests in the last years making it a major event in this field.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, or concerns.

[Headshot of David Fazio in a blue button down shirt, with red and silver diamond pattern tie, and contrasting blue Alpaca sport coat]

Thank you,

David Fazio, President| [signature_1070333445] <https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidpfazio/>
[signature_704168862]| [signature_1103646162] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/6668894/admin/>
P. 510.590.7363| e. dfazio@helixopp.com<mailto:dfazio@helixopp.com>| W. www.helixopp.com<http://www.helixopp.com>
         [Harmony at Work: The Business Innovator's Guide to Profiting from the Growing Disability Demographic by Creating Meaningful Consumer Experiences for Everyone (The Harmony at Work Series Book 1) by [Fazio, David]] <https://www.amazon.com/Harmony-Work-Innovators-Demographic-Experiences-ebook/dp/B00RZRK7MC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1422597881&sr=8->
Software as a Service Products:
Helix Opportunity Institute<https://youtu.be/u2rmrTrgo4s>, a fully inclusive & accessible, immersive, online education application (Learning Management System)

Articles: Global Initiative for Inclusive Information Communication Technology<http://g3ict.org/resource_center/newsletter/articles_written_by_author/p/authorId_104468>|  Helix Opportunity Blog<http://www.helixopp.com/blog.html>

Videos: 10 Minutes About Helix Opportunity<https://youtu.be/elR_nLiiSAY>| Understanding the Disability Market Value<https://youtu.be/jr1DubRwML8>| Billion Dollar Consumer Market of Americans with Disabilities<http://youtu.be/X6SA4hX4FtQ>|

Designing Smart Cities Like Designer Drugs<https://youtu.be/43tRoowboDw>| CBS Interview of David Fazio<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Log3EkEYe24>| Accessible Americas V High-Level discussion: Sustainable Development Goals & Digital Inclusion. Creating equal opportunities in the Information Society.<https://youtu.be/PEwloyhMI04>

Received on Friday, 28 February 2020 16:39:30 UTC