APA Response [Was: APA agenda item for including complex math in Silver]

Dear Jeanne:

APA had a productive conversation regarding your question on our regular
weekly call today. The conversation is logged here:


SUMMARY of Our Recommendation

*	Use current MathML, because it's a W3C specification. W3C specs should
*	leverage other W3C technologies.

*	Charles LaPierre (of Benetech) and Dr. Jason White (of ETS) are
*	both directly involved in W3C work to better support
*	accessibility in mathematics and chemistry markup via W3C
*	specifications. They offered to review the draft specification
*	text for correct MathML usage based on most current best
*	practices.

*	At this time a polyfill script must be sourced by the
*	specification document in order to properly render MathML in the
*	browser (and provide accessibility support for examining the
*	MathML) content. MathJax<https://www.mathjax.org/> is
*	recommended for this functionality, and specifically the
*	recently released MathJax version 3.0.1 (which fixed several
*	accessibility issues of MathJax version 3.0). It is reasonable
*	to expect that no polyfill will be required by the time WCAG 3.0
*	transitions to CR/PR/TR, because MathML support is actively
*	being added to browsers.

*	W3C pubrules do not ordinarily allow sourcing such scripts in TR
*	publications, so the AGWG Staff Representative will need to
*	obtain an exception from W3C systems management. In order to
*	begin that process, candidate content would help.



Jeanne Spellman writes:
> Hi Janina,
> In the Silver meeting today we were looking at the mathematical formulas we
> wish to include in WCAG 3.0 (formerly Silver) in the section on Visual
> Contrast.  We want to know what APA recommends as the technology to use to
> include math in HTML documents.
> Minutes of Silver meeting
> <https://www.w3.org/2020/02/25-silver-minutes.html#item02>
> Draft of the WCAG 3.0 Visual Contrast Method <https://raw.githack.com/Myndex/silver/master/guidelines/methods/Method-font-characteristic-contrast.html#tab5>
> Thanks,
> jeanne


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:	http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures	http://www.w3.org/wai/apa

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 18:58:51 UTC