Tuesday agenda updates


Since we realized that not everyone will necessarily join the joint AG WG
discussion about the AG WG charter, Jeanne will kick off the charter
discussion with an update on Silver while I start things off in the Silver
room, leading work to map out how to migrate content from WCAG to Silver's
prototyped Information Architecture. Jeanne and I will then trade places
during the break.
Tuesday morning joint sessions:AG WG Joint Session

Room 315, AG WG remote dial-in info

   - Review latest Silver editor's draft with AG WG, to offer more context
   around where we've ended up.
   - 8:30 - noon: New AG WG charter discussion
   *Joint discussion led by AG WG chairs in the way you likely already have

Silver Working Session

Room 312, Silver remote dial-in info

   - Map out how to migrate content from WCAG to Silver's prototyped
   Information Architecture

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 15:17:26 UTC