Silver Exercise: Pros and Cons analysis of Conformance Proposals

If you have an interest in the Silver Conformance model, please consider 
participating in this exercise.

We have a number of proposals and ideas for Silver conformance & point 
system.  We are starting the process of evaluating the proposals.  We 
invite you to participate in the first step of our evaluation process.  
Our current plan is to do a 3-step approach:

 1. Pros, Cons, Risks, and Holes analysis (written with follow up
 2. Feasibility Analysis where we assess each proposal against current
    WCAG success criteria and the 4 new guideline Proposals. (written
    with follow up discussion)
 3. Convert Goals to Measures, iteratively assess the measures, and then
    test against real web sites.  (details TBD)

You can read details of these proposals for evaluating the Silver 
conformance proposals. 

Today, we are asking that you help us with the first step of "Pros, 
Cons, Risks, and Holes" analysis.  For as many of the proposals as you 
want, please write the Pros, Cons, Risks, and Holes (missing elements 
of  the proposal) for the proposal.

*Response Options:*

  * A Google doc that is shared publicly for people who know the link
  * Short emails to the list (you can link to a longer response written
  * Silver wiki (all Community Group and Task Force members can create
    pages on the wiki)


The proposals are all linked from the Silver wiki page main page 
(so I can update it easily).


Received on Thursday, 18 July 2019 14:50:50 UTC