- From: Shawn Lauriat <lauriat@google.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 10:33:50 -0500
- To: Silver TF <public-silver@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAGQw2hkGch7AiihdLzoE7QWmX1oJcGXnP_wVRW+160qz9aKmMQ@mail.gmail.com>
Thin on minutes, as I can't scribe and talk, but includes some key talking points, links for context, and a good suggestion for a next focus area. Formatted minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/01/22-silver-minutes.html Plain text: [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - Silver Community Group Teleconference 22 Jan 2019 Attendees Present johnkirkwood, Charles, LuisG, JF, KimD, jeanne, kirkwood, Cyborg, mikeCrabb, Shawn, Lauriat, AngelaAccessForAll, Makoto, JanMcSorley Regrets Chair SV_MEETING_CHAIR Scribe Cyborg Contents * [2]Topics 1. [3]Consolidating prototypes 2. [4]Conformance model * [5]Summary of Action Items * [6]Summary of Resolutions __________________________________________________________ Consolidating prototypes if any links have been put up, could you put them up again please? thanks Conformance model <Lauriat> Wilco's issue summary from github: [7]https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/40 [7] https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/40 <Lauriat> Language of page prototype: [8]https://docs.google.com/document/d/18JyGF-AK8Qgq7DPyVlDYmxoj 6814rORxuCf0l0oSb7U/edit [8] https://docs.google.com/document/d/18JyGF-AK8Qgq7DPyVlDYmxoj6814rORxuCf0l0oSb7U/edit is that true when we're looking at outliers with disabilities? if 6/10 can understand and 4 can't - don't we need to ask why the 4 can't? are we getting at methods or at verification of testing? you're cutting out... Shawn is cutting out maybe start that sentence again that paragraph is there something in the testing that moves accessibility towards edge users? (or intersectional users) if it is about 50+% pass, or even 80+% pass, who is being left out? on the task-based assessment... i also thought we were moving away from pass/fail...? <Lauriat> [9]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wTJme7ZhhtzyWBxI8oMXzl7i 4QHW7aDHRYTKXKELPcY/edit?ts=5c431302#heading=h.vgz70qdsgj5h [9] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wTJme7ZhhtzyWBxI8oMXzl7i4QHW7aDHRYTKXKELPcY/edit?ts=5c431302#heading=h.vgz70qdsgj5h sorry task-based assessment applies to all my comments... so that is tricky at least up here we have the concept of undue hardship in our human rights legislation. i wonder with task-based assessment if this is possible to measure in other non-linear ways, such as - for brainstorming purposes - a heat map of barriers that arise during the task-based assessment? what do you mean Charles? tasks accounting for functional needs...can you give an example? with cognitive, it is tricky...there are so many kinds and not a clear functional need task-based assessment and cognitive barriers is going to get tricky so given this, could we use cognitive and intersectional cognitive-sensory disabilities as test our task-based assessment? i still worry about marginalizing those who are most marginalized within disability community if we use majority-rules tests...just a thought for future when building task-based assessment. and there is always the issue of how to verify user testing - is it replicable? was there external review? etc. (the issue of results fabrication or poor methodology) <Charles> understood on marginalized. i think what we need to do is to determine if the task evaluation method works, then determine if it works for everyone. we have to start somewhere. can we spend another session just on task evaluation? <Lauriat> Probably a good idea to spend another session just on task evaluation, yes. <Lauriat> trackbot, make minutes <trackbot> Sorry, Lauriat, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to <[10]http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help. [10] http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc <Lauriat> trackbot, end meeting Summary of Action Items Summary of Resolutions [End of minutes]
Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 15:34:29 UTC