Minutes of Silver meeting 27 March 2018

Formatted minutes:

Text of Minutes:

          Jan, JaeunJemmaKu, Charles, Shawn, Jannison, Kelsey,
          JohnM, jeanne, Imelda, Jaeunjemmku, Jennison, Aiden,
          jemma, Shari, JaEunJemmkuj, sloandr, Jennsion, Sweta,
          Thomas, Camron, jemmajaeunku





     * [2]Topics
         1. [3]Design Sprint transcription & organization
         2. [4]Line up content research
     * [5]Summary of Action Items
     * [6]Summary of Resolutions

Design Sprint transcription & organization

   Jeanne: Can we get a quick overview of how the design sprint
   ... Wildly exceeded our expectatations. People just started
   popping out great ideas. We went through and talked about the
   research. After each one Cameron would say "everyone who wants
   to, share a 'how might we' statement"
   ... There were all kinds of ideas, many not said out loud.
   Charles? Were you taking notes?

   Charles: Not for the entire group.

   Jeanne: We also captured the ones we could. I think we lost the
   ones for the blind folk. Shaun and I took pictures of all of
   ... There are hundreds of them; they're so exciting. That was
   the first part.
   ... Then we got into ideas; that went really well. There was
   some frustration late in the day. People wanted time to explore
   them more. Cameron kept things driving. Pick one; explore that.
   ... Tuesday was very exciting. Each group was picking things
   they wanted to prototype. They were bringing people in from
   other groups to do user testing. So we have a lot of
   prototypes. Some did two; some one. Really interesting ideas. 8
   inches worth of paper in Shaun's backpack.
   ... New top level folder in the Google Drive. now in Phase 3:



   <Charles> Phase 3 Prototypes Folder ^

   Jeanne: Design Sprint results are in there. Charles, can you
   help move the video, etc. for the design Sprint into the
   ... A lot of energy and creativity. I think the presentation
   later in the week went well. There were a lot of ideas we
   didn't do a good job of expressing. Turn over to Charles.

   Charles: Everyone has access to the folder; posted in IRC so
   you can browse on your own. A couple of groups made tangible
   protoypes. The output of our group is in HTML so you'll need to
   download it locally instead of viewing in Google Drive. It's
   just a new outline. The problem we were trying to solve was
   flexibilty/structure in simple language.
   ... How to write success criteria in simple language...without
   labeling/identifying disability group. "A person can't hear"
   done. Don't need to mention what disability they have; just the
   problem. That's the prototype we came up with.
   ... Lots of others. Silver kept coming up in many conversations
   throughout CSUN. People were really excited about it.

   Room: Much rejoicing.

   Imelda: I can help with transcription. Jeanne: I worked on
   table 5 transcription; table 4 did everything online.

   Jeanne: Inside "table results" folder you should find folders
   by table. Charles, can you make sure table 4's stuff is in
   ... We need a lot of help. In table 5 folder, you'll see all
   the images I took of table 5. Any post it note that is labeled
   HMW is part of the How Might We exercise.
   ... This is how we did the transcription. Wrote who was at that
   table. Wanted to catch problem statements. This group strictly
   did 'testable' and 'difficulty to get started' got lots of info
   on the latter, but not 'testable.'
   ... Anyone from table 5, can you step in to help?
   ... Easy part was the "how might we" I just typed in the post
   it notes. Put "?" if I couldn't understand the writing. Could
   use help with typing post its. Organized the papers as best as
   I could. There will be pieces of pager with 8 ideas that should
   go under problem statement as a result of the Crazy 8 exercise.

   <Charles> ACTION: item to Charles will transcribe all notes
   from Table 4 and draft the Overview statement

   <trackbot> Error finding 'item'. You can review and register
   nicknames at

      [8] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/track/users

   Jeanne: On the solutions, this group did a form on
   measurability. Many photos I took of that paper. A lot of the
   diagrams weren't easy to transcribe so I put the slide numbers.
   Mostly just typing up the how might we. need people to work on
   tables 1, 2, and 3
   ... Table 3 ended up being a group of developers. They
   congregated together; we couldn't split them up, but they
   generated a ton of paper!

   ??: Many of the table 3 post it images are from table 4. I'll
   transcribe this. Jeanne: If you could start the overview
   document as well?

   Jeanne: If you could just start the document for table 1 with
   all the people that were there and what day they were there.
   "who was there, what problem statements did you work on?" so
   people can insert the information in the right place. If you
   don't have time whoever does table 1 can fill in the info.

   Kelsey: I can do table 1.

   Imelda: I can take table 2. Is it okay for me to work on it
   over the weekend or does it need to be done by Friday? Jeanne:
   It's fine. I was at table 2 so I can help with it. I'm also on
   the road this week.

   Jeanne: If people could work on transcriptions offline and then
   bring back to group. We want to categorize the results and make
   it into a more coherent whole. We have an amazing amount of
   ideas and information.

   Imelda: I'll work on it over the weekend and I'll do it

   Jeanne: Do you mind starting on Table 3 since I was at table 2?
   Imelda: sure.
   ... Could someone else also work on table 3. Jan: I can help
   with table 3.
   ... Good morning, didn't know you were here.

   Jennison: hi, I joined when you were done describing the day.

   ??: Jeanne, i have a question. What help do you need for group
   1? I have a presentation next Thursday so I'd like to know the
   deadline for that too.

   Jeanne: Kelsey is going to work on it, so you don't need to do
   it all, but if you could look at what she's done and fill in
   the information you know.
   ... Particularly make sure details of the prototype is
   accurate. If you weren't in the group it could be difficult to
   tell what was going on. If you were in the group, yo ucould
   help put it in context.

   Kelsey: Did you get a chance to look at overview of table 5?
   ??: Oh, I think I was at table 1. We did a lot of electronic

   ??: I can review and give feedback. When do you need that by?
   Jeanne: Let's say next Tuesday to get the tables done.

   <kooje> jemma is jemma


   Imelda: Is there any press release or anything in the media
   about your meeting that can be shared? Jeanne: There isn't and
   we should write something up.

   <kooje> can someone paste the design sprint folder url?

   Shaun: We planned once we wrote it up to make a summary to
   thank the participants and to list interesting results. And a
   "here's how you can keep helping with Silver"

   Imelda: I was thinking more about a newsletter with photos with
   like "this is what occured" "this particular group met here"
   just like a general press release.

   jeanne: we were thinking we'd wait until we had results. Should
   we socialize before then? Imelda: Note necessarily, but
   sometimes when there are events, the host has a newsletter or
   something general. But if not, it's okay.

   Jennison: I don't think CSUN has a closing newsletter or
   anything like that.

   Jeanne: We could do a blog and socialize it and mention we'll
   put the results out in a couple of weeks.

   <kooje> kelsey, can you send me an email when you are done with
   table 1 transcription so that I can review and give feedback?

   Jeanne: Maybe a good time to start building our social media

   <Charles> About 3/4 of the images in Table 3 folder belong in
   Table 4 folder. I need ‘move’ rights/access to resolve.

   Imelda: Of course, it all depends on the resources. Don't want
   folks taking on more than they're able to.

   Jeanne: I'll take a stab at writing something and we'll run it
   by the group...try having it done by Friday. It'll be short,
   but should cover the highlights. Can put it on Paciello or W3C
   blog. Probably more eyes on Paciello group.

   Jennison: Yeah, put it on Paciello and we can tweet it on
   Monday. Something quick, brief, and a preview of what's the

   Jeanne: I need to write something for them anyway. Two birds
   with one stone.
   ... I think that takes care of the first item, transcription
   stuff organized.

   <jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to write blog article on the Design

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-162 - Write blog article on the
   design sprint [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2018-04-03].

Line up content research


      [9] https://drive.google.com/open?id=19-9CE4c14vDZYheaKoriz-TjYl2rreiJ

   <kooje> thanks Charles

   Shaun: Next is lining up content research. The design sprint
   and the ideas from that. We need to rejuvenate the research
   around the content of silver. Jeanne, do yo have ideas for
   first steps?

   <kooje> s/shaun/shawn

   Jeanne: What sara did a couple years ago. What we first did was
   come up with list of reseach questions we wanted.


   Jeanne: a number of University research groups. We can ask Dave
   Sloan for that once we get it together.
   ... Here's where this came from. I got several questions "is
   silver going to relook at color contrast algorithm?" things
   like that.
   ... Most of WCAG has no research whatsoever, but it's been done
   in subsequent years. But there are areas where we can look at
   what research is needed.
   ... Don't know if we should start with questions or the call of
   what needs to go in research. What parts of WCAG don't have
   research and what that is going into silver needs research?
   ... As I'm saying I don't think we don't want to make a list of
   research questions. Thoughts?

   Shawn: Agreed. Other than Q: of "how do we include more PWD,"
   we don't have anything to frame the research with.

   ??: Is there any official backlog of research from current
   criteria? Things set aside?

   Shawn: I think we have one from the WCAG 2.1 taskforce.
   Otherwise, the only one I know of is color contrast because
   that comes up in conversations.

   Jemma: Sara mention buildling design principles. I think she
   wanted to look at different areas of guidelines.

   Imelda: Do you mean the leave certification guidelines as a

   Jemma: It was Stanley Lam that was working on it with Sara.
   Jeanne: I'm looking a little past that.

   Jeanne: We're asking this question because we're not going to
   need this research for months but it takes a really long time
   to get research done.
   ... this is prepping for the research we're going to need in
   the Fall and next Winter about the content. This is more
   advanced looking way down the road 6 months from now and
   starting to set that up. I'm thinking more about some of the
   research you found about specific success criteria, but not the
   usability so much.
   ... Has there been any research done. So we don't assume WCAG
   2.0 is correct if there is research that says it isn't
   ... how about we think about it more and talk about it on
   ... We were successful to get researchers to help with
   structural questions. Let's see if we can do the same for
   content questions.

   Charles?: What about "deferred to silver?" We need way to
   capture those to make sure they get into our content stream.

   Jemma: Agreed. I think we're overlapping work with WCAG working
   group. Let's look at the "deferred to silver" issues

   Jennison: Let's look at them and see if Silver will address
   them the way they are. We want to consider them and look at
   what else should be in Silver.
   ... Just because 'deferred to silver' doesn't mean it should be
   in there. Otherwise we're taking everything they couldn't do,
   but silver is part of "What's new?"

   Jeanne: Yes, but I'm looking past that. Looking at what we'll
   need in 2019.
   ... And start to socialize that and get people working on what
   we're going to need in 2019. More what Shawn was saying. Very
   advanced planning because researchers take a long time.
   ... Work with research partners took much longer than expected,
   so we need to get started so that a year from now it'll
   actually be there.
   ... We'll be looking at things from task forces. They all did
   literature reviews, needs analysis. but that's done. What do we
   need that isn't done? I don't know what it all is, but probably
   people looking at things
   ... Do we still need requirements for older sections of WCAG
   because tech has changed. We need people looking at those if
   they haven't already.
   ... This is probably too far to look down to bring to group,
   but if it's Shawn+me work that's fine, but appreciate expertise
   in this group.

   Imelda: Got to get going. Great meeting!
   ... Are we having a meeting Friday? ??: Yes.

   Room: Bye Imelda.
   ... Talk about meeting on Friday. Some people can make it; some
   can't. Jeanne: Maybe short meeting or working meeting (on table

   Charles?: some problems moving content in Google Drive folders.

   Jemma took a bunch of pictures. Jeanne: no one said they
   objected, so we are probably free to use them

   ??: you said you were looking for ideas on how to begin content

   ??: Can you clarify?

   JEanne: looking for new research partners. To look at existing
   WCAG research. Really focusing on WCAG 2. There was research
   done 10 years ago.
   ... 10 years later, has our understanding of what should be in
   WCAG changed? based on research done of what we'd like to do

   kooje: Would that be an idividual or organization doing the
   research? Jeanne: individually or some corporate researchers;
   probably focus on academic researchers
   ... that helps Jeanne: thanks for the question

   <kooje> above was Kelsey, not mee



   Jeanne: I think we're done. Have a great weekend or whatever.

   Room: Bye!

   <kooje> kelsey:Would that be an idividual or organization doing
   the research? Jeanne: individually or some corporate
   researchers; probably focus on academic researchers

   <kooje> kelsey:that helps


   <Lauriat> trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: item to Charles will transcribe all notes from
   Table 4 and draft the Overview statement
   [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to write blog article on the Design Sprint

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2018 16:07:24 UTC