Meeting minute - Silver Task Force meeting of 19 January 2018

Here is the meeting minutes, which was scribed by John  McCabe. Thanks, John.


Silver Task Force Teleconference
19 Jan 2018
Jan, JaeunJemmaKu, Shari, Charles, Jessica
Jennison, Shawn
Strategic directions and next steps
Summary of Action Items
Summary of Resolutions
Strategic directions and next steps
Jeanne - Design sprint scheduled for March 19 - how will we prioritize, and what do we need to get done?

Jeanne: we need a list of abilities and barriers to help us with design sprint
... what's in play, and what can we get done before the design sprint?

Jemma: plans to complete paper before the sprint - issues relating to aging
... no time for other issues
... will complete draft by this Monday
... we can look at the accessibility guideline to adapt for WCAG, the conformance review

Jemma (gaming accessibility guidelines)

Jeanne: the gaming guidelines are a great example of plain language
... so you'll have a draft of the conformance review in early Feb, the earlier the better
... I think we need to have all the research info in a cogent form by March 1st, before the design sprint

Jemma: my concern is we don't have anything for the maintenance issue

Jeanne: I'll ask Pete McNally to return, because we didn't have time for him to present last time
... we have a Research Results spreadsheet from Pete, and below that is the research analysis of Pete's survey
... Shari, please check that and polish it

<jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne with Shari to look at the Pete McNally Analysis

<trackbot> Created ACTION-152 - With shari to look at the pete mcnally analysis [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2018-01-26].

Jemma: I could finish the survey questionnaire by the end of next week

Jeanne: 3 weeks is the minimum W3C time for surveys/comments
... this is a survey about conformance issue, to feed the conformance discussion at the design sprint
... Jemma, I think you should focus on the literature review
... let's try to get help from researchers on the survey, otherwise we might not be able to get it done

Shari: who is the target for the survey?

Jeanne: people with standards experience; we do have a list we need to work on a bit

Charles: I'm recruited 9 people, 2 of whom have participated in calls before

Jeanne: we are looking for people with research experience to take the lead on the survey; I can help them get started
... Survey Monkey is the most accessible of the survey tools

Charles: I will ask the people who have expressed interest

Jeanne: If we don't have the resources for the survey, we may have to let it go.

We need to have all info ready by March 1st, so participants of the design sprint will have two weeks with it.

Shari: Tyson's work will not be ready by the design sprint.

Jeanne: That's ok, his work is more structure than content; we need to focus on content now
... Scott's Internet of Things work could be a model in the design sprint, to see how it fits in, as a test for the maintainability of what we're proposing
... The next priority is the interviews. I would like to have someone organize and drive the interviews, so I can keep the task force on track. I'm happy to be a resource for it.


Jeanne: Legacy interview research questions are ready to go. It's just a matter of organizing it to make it move.


Jeanne: There are Legacy questions, and Conformance questions.

Charles: If we can get 5 or 6 individuals for each category, that would be sufficient. I will try to find someone to do the interviews.

Jeanne: I can do the interviews, if someone else can schedule them.

Jan: I can do the scheduling with some coaching.

Jeanne: What else do we need before the March 1 deadline?

Jemma: We can give out a11y tote bags.

Jeanne: We can list people as contributors to the spec.

Charles: Public acknowledgement is great. Let's give people something in the tote bag with the Silver art.

Jan: We can reach out for contributions.

Jeanne: We can recognize sponsors who contribute. I can make a poster.
... The W3C also recognizes sponsors.
... I have the Silver logo that Glenda made.


Jeanne: Are there other strategic issues we need to be thinking about?

Charles: How about public statements that come out of the design sprint?

Jeanne: yes

Charles: We could announce that we're making progress, and what the progress is.

* ok thanks :)

<jemma> shari: I can edit the video once it is recorded

<jemma> jeanne: I can ask either Janison or Shawn whether they have resources

<jemma> jeanne:

<jemma> jeanne: next meeting agenda 1. researcher update 2. invitation responses

<jemma> s/2. interview response/ 2. invitation response

<jemma> 3. problem statement

<jemma> s/janison/jennison

<jemma> regret:Jennison, Shawn

Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Jeanne with Shari to look at the Pete McNally Analysis

Received on Friday, 19 January 2018 16:42:21 UTC