Re: CFC (Call for Consensus) to publish Silver Stakeholder Job Stories

Hi Jeanne,

My only feedback is minor, to perhaps clarify this small part under People with Disabilities (bullet 2): "so I can share my experience socially".



From: Jeanne Spellman <>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 10:48 AM
To: Silver Task Force
Subject: CFC (Call for Consensus) to publish Silver Stakeholder Job Stories

Silver Community Group,

This email is a call for consensus to publish the Silver Stakeholder Job
Stories as a W3C Community Group Report. You can review the final draft at:

Please respond to the list with your agreement or objection by 20
February 2018 7:00PM Eastern (UTC midnight). If you object, please give
your reasons so the group can work on it.


Jeanne Spellman
Senior Accessibility Engineer
The Paciello Group
A VFO™ Company

Skype: jeanne_spellman
Twitter, Github @jspellman

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2018 07:23:01 UTC