Minutes of Silver meeting of 9 February 2018


I forgot to start the bot that turns notes into pretty formatted 
minutes.  Here's the log.

Session Start: Fri Feb 09 09:31:19 2018

[09:34] <Zakim> agendum 1. "Design Sprint invitations" taken up [from 
[09:36]   Lauriat: Nothing concrete by way of updates, we'll check with 
Jan on the invite she sent out on Tuesday.
[09:40]   Kelsey: Any luck finding anyone in UX or information architecture?
[09:40]   Lauriat: Not yet, no. Jeanne will check on the invite to UXer.
[09:44]   We have decent coverage of Developers, W3C folks, 
Accessibility Influencers. Need legal, UX, etc. if possible.
[09:45]   Jeanne: Going to go back through the original spreadsheet to 
check on who we noted as having a disability. A balance of ensuring that 
we can say with certainty that we have at least X many people with a 
disability, without outing or publicizing a person's disability.
[09:46]   Charles: International representation?
[09:46]   Lauriat: Better than I had feared and not as good as I had hoped.
[09:50]   Jeanne: Back to the gaps: we need more UX.
[09:55]   [discussion, leading to identifying a new invitee, who Jeanne 
will reach out to]
[09:58]   [more paths to finding folks identified]
[09:58]   Zakim, next item
[09:58] <Zakim> agendum 2. "Research updates - survey, interviews, data 
analysis" taken up [from jeanne]
[09:59]   Jeanne: Kelsey, can you talk about the survey?
[09:59]   Kelsey: Putting the feedback into a spreadsheet so I can 
better understand what multiple people have given feedback on and make 
sure that I can address everything.
[10:00]   …hoping to get through that today.
[10:00]   Jeanne: Can you upload that spreadsheet to the surveys folder 
so we can reference?
[10:00]   Kelsey: Sure!
[10:01]   Charles: Any questions from the feedback that you'd like to 
bring up here?
[10:02]   Kelsey: I think about one of the last questions in the survey, 
you asked about resourcing?
[10:02]   Charles: The way it's worded, it didn't seem clear to me what 
information we're trying to get from this question.
[10:03]   Kelsey: #29, How do we deal with scope?
[10:04]   Charles: At the very least in the context of the question, we 
should note what we mean by "resource" (people? funding? content?)
[10:04]   Jeanne: How does it relate to the intention of the survey? We 
may want to just drop it, we have a long enough survey already.
[10:05]   Kelsey: Maybe as people leave, how do you manage resources in 
terms of maintaining the knowledge?
[10:06]   Charles: The information you're trying to get: how or how 
difficult is managing change when managing conformance?
[10:06]   Kelsey: Do you think it would still be a valuable question if 
[10:07]   Jeanne: It would speak to an issue raised around a web 
application with huge amounts of changes happening on a regular basis.
[10:08]   Kelsey: The color contrast of the survey itself doesn't pass, 
one bit of feedback noted.
[10:09]   Jeanne: I'll connect you with David, who can walk you through 
changing the theme.
[10:10]   Kelsey: He also had a comment about a scale of radio buttons, 
where we should break out each item into separate questions.
[10:12]   Kelsey: He recommended using an adjective modifier on each, 
rather than using radiobuttons.
[10:14]   Kelsey: We can test things with a screen reader and maybe 
ZoomText before sending it out.
[10:14]   Jan: Yeah, we should do that.
[10:14]   Jeanne: Practically speaking, we need to send this out today.
[10:15]   Jan: We shouldn't send something out untested, though.
[10:15]   Charles: Can we send it out with something asking people to 
answer it by a particular date?
[10:15]   Kelsey: I think so, yes.
[10:16]   Jan: If you need help with the testing, I can help with that, 
but I need to know ASAP.
[10:16]   Kelsey: I'll need to make the updates before we test.
[10:16] <jemma> present+ Jaeunjemmku
[10:16]   Charles: Kelsey, can you make the changes and then update the 
mailing list to let us know so someone can help test from there?
[10:17]   Jan: I can get my team to test it, but if noted only on the 
list, I won't see it. If you can send it directly to me, I can then 
direct it to my team and ask them to get it done.
[10:18]   Kelsey: David had some general feedback moving the demographic 
questions to the end, in case people don't fill out everything in the 
[10:19]   Jemma & Jeanne: That sounds like a good idea!
[10:20]   Jemma: I think we have invite text from a previous survey that 
we can reuse.
[10:22]   Lauriat: Jan set up an interview for me, happening Monday.
[10:22]   Jan: We also have an interview set up for Jennison to do on 
[10:23]   Jeanne: We have six of them done, with one we'll do over. The 
one from legal representative asked to bring in another person and we'll 
have another interview with the same questions as follow-up.
[10:24]   Jeanne: Looking forward to this in particular around the plain 
language aspects of conformance.
[10:26]   Jemma: Writing on the literature review, working intensively 
over the next two weeks and will have something ready by the end of 
[10:27]   Jeanne: Can you share a draft that we can start looking through?
[10:27]   Jemma: I want to share it with David Sloan, first, and then 
can share with you.
[10:28] <Charles> opt-in language from another survey: 
[10:28]   Jeanne: Thinking of the summary that we'll need to send out, 
and would very much like to include the literature review in it.
[10:36]   John: We have the notes from those three conferences and we'll 
look through things for patterns.
[10:36]   Jeanne: Do you have a timeframe of when we'll have a first 
draft ready?
[10:37]   Kelsey: We'll reconvene Tuesday afternoon to see what themes 
we've found in that research, so guessing we won't have anything until 
next Friday.
[10:39]   Jeanne: We'll want to have everything together enough to use 
it Friday. Can we do the survey?
[10:39]   Jan: If we can get the edits in this afternoon I can have 
someone do the testing shortly after.
[10:40]   Jemma: So the goal is to get the survey out by Friday, not to 
get results by Friday?
[10:41]   Kelsey: I thought we wanted to give people about two weeks to 
fill things out.
[10:42]   Jeanne: Right, other work needs to happen by Friday, but not 
the survey.
[10:42]   Jeanne: Let's see when we can get it out. If we can get it out 
Monday the 12th with the invitation…
[10:47]   Zakim, next item
[10:47] <Zakim> agendum 3. "AG WG update" taken up [from jeanne]
[10:48]   Jeanne: AG WG has asked us to give an update on where we are, 
and I'd like to get input on what we should cover.
[10:48]   Charles: We should note the expansion of the community group 
and participation.
[10:48]   Jeanne: Good one!
[10:48]   Shawn also agrees.
[10:48]   Charles: Updates on the preparations and materials for the 
design sprint.
[10:49] <Charles> you can also cite all the updates to content and 
formatting of the wiki
[10:49]   Jeanne: We have the literature review, articles, analysis, etc.
[10:51]   Jeanne: Shari, could you pick this up?
[10:52]   Shari: I wouldn't mind doing it, but I may have a conflict 
that won't allow me to do this next week if I can't get to it by then.
[10:53] <Charles> you could say that the Silver CG has also extended the 
scope to include games and gaming considerations (users, platforms, 
input devices, development tools) – by reviewing research
[10:54]   Lauriat: Specifically expanded the scope of research, not the 
scope of Silver (yet).
[10:56]   Jemma: Design problems statements also make a great 
[10:57]   Jeanne: Friday the 23rd, we should review the problem 
statements in order to ensure that they match up with the research we 
have so far at that point.
[10:59] <shari> @shawn-where is Eleanor's paper? i'm not seeing it in 
her folder
[11:24]   trackbot, end meeting
[11:24] <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees
[11:24] <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been Jan, 
JaeunJemmaKu, Charles, Shawn, Jennison, Kelsey, JohnM, jeanne, Imelda,

Received on Sunday, 11 February 2018 00:33:28 UTC