Flavors Prototype Comment

I received an email with comments that I am forwarding on to the group:

I think people have limited attention spans.  If they need to click for 
the examples and or much else we lose them.   I think what we need is a 
quick view of working code.

We should not use terms in the tab labels that the lay person does not 
understand. I think that a new user would not even know why to look at 
ARIA tab.  Call the tab something like: "Ways to make it accessible", 
and then have ARIA under that tab.  That means more to the lay person.

Lucia Greco
Web Accessibility Evangelist
IST - Architecture, Platforms, and Integration
University of California, Berkeley
(510) 289-6008 skype: lucia1-greco
Follow me on twitter @accessaces

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2018 12:38:27 UTC