- From: Jeanne Spellman <jspellman@paciellogroup.com>
- Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 10:38:53 -0400
- To: Silver Task Force <public-silver@w3.org>
Formatted version of the minutes: https://www.w3.org/2018/04/17-silver-minutes.html Text version of the minutes: [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - Silver Task Force Teleconference 17 Apr 2018 Attendees Present Jan, Lauriat, MichaelC_, Luis_Garcia, Charles, kirkwood, JohnM, shari, Jennison, jeanne Regrets Chair Shawn, Jeanne Scribe jeanne Contents * [2]Topics 1. [3]Finalize & send out the report from Design Sprint & prototyping 2. [4]Review Project Plan 3. [5]AccessU? 4. [6]Requirements document * [7]Summary of Action Items * [8]Summary of Resolutions __________________________________________________________ Finalize & send out the report from Design Sprint & prototyping Final report draft <- [9]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p3KDazY8nYb_5f-F8tHRfiKu bHthXwxXa6wj2Riru0k/edit?usp=sharing [9] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p3KDazY8nYb_5f-F8tHRfiKubHthXwxXa6wj2Riru0k/edit?usp=sharing How should we let people know how to send prototypes? Jeanne: There is a Next Steps section, I need to add text there <scribe> scribe: jeanne Shawn: Text to invite people, join the community group link, send the email link. <Lauriat> Draft: Interested in helping contribute with prototyping? Join the Silver Community Group [linked] and reach out to the Silver Task Force at public-silver@w3.org! Michael: There is a feature in Github that will be installed that will automatically flag any contribution where the creator hasn't signed off on the W3C royalty-free intellectual property agreement. Jeanne: This helps ensure that no one comes back in a year or two and says that "I own this idea" and charge a fee. All W3C specs are royalty-free so that anyone can use them at no cost. [minor wordsmithing of the phrasing of invitation] <scribe> New phrase: Interested in helping contribute? Join the Silver Community Group and reach out to the Silver Task Force at public-silver@w3.org! <kirkwood> YES Jeanne: I will email the report to everyone who attended the design sprint, then wait a day and send it to the AGWG group. ... and move it to the community group and send a link. ... anyone else we invited to the Design Sprint but couldn't make it/ Review Project Plan Prototyping Project Plan <- [10]https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10p-8-v-XqRllBaX_eTi XXvyyDYeft8GRiN3_11V3U0w/edit?usp=sharing [10] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10p-8-v-XqRllBaX_eTiXXvyyDYeft8GRiN3_11V3U0w/edit?usp=sharing <Charles> I lost all audio <kirkwood> lost audio <Jan> tpac is in October this year <Lauriat> 22-26 October 2018 Group reviews the project plan and adds items Jeanne: Please keep in mind, that we need to start enrolling more people to participate to get all this work done. We need to change how we run this meeting, where the people on this call manage different sub projects, and this call becomes more of a reporting and assistance call for the people managing each group. Shawn: HOw to start tackling these things. ... who will work on each of the prototypes ... how do we manage the prototype and the work being done ... how to do we manage the prototypes in github and the issues ... how to manage the testing of each prototype Jennison: DO we have a cutoff date for prototypes? <Charles> Charles Hall has volunteered to: (1) Organize the Plain Language work; (2) Invite experts for IA work Shawn: I think that we need to leave it open for a few months so we can continue to get ideas and refinement Jan: Are we defining what the prototype is? Shawn: I think it is an idea and some refinement Jan: Are we giving them guidance? Shawn: It's based on the research and the Design Sprint results ... it needs to be based on "we need something that solves [THIS]" Jeanne: I think we need more than the Design Sprint report to communicate what we need Shawn: We can set up different projects in Github. <scribe> ACTION: Jeanne with Jennison to approach developers about creating accessibile interface to Github. <trackbot> Created ACTION-169 - With jennison to approach developers about creating accessibile interface to github. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2018-04-24]. Jeanne: We talked about having people work on prototypes, and have the room be a drop in center for people to contribute and comment on prototypes. <scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to contact Sharron about participating. <trackbot> Created ACTION-170 - Contact sharron about participating. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2018-04-24]. AccessU? see above. Requirements document Shawn: We met with Michael Cooper at CSUN and brainstormed what should/could be in the Requirements document ... we created this document of notes ... there are ideas to the Requirements documents, and links to sample Requirements Jeanne: The Requirements document is an important part of the W3C process. When the spec goes to Recommendation, then we have to show that we met the Requirements document. ... Michael recommended that we write into the first draft that we will revise the Requirements document after we finish the prototype and after the first draft when we will get more public comments. Notes and thoughts about the Requirements document <- [11]https://docs.google.com/document/d/15F4KuNXYK5q2rOgb4ktHiJQ MQpAEL9EetARpMU3vD_A/edit?usp=sharing [11] https://docs.google.com/document/d/15F4KuNXYK5q2rOgb4ktHiJQMQpAEL9EetARpMU3vD_A/edit?usp=sharing Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to contact Sharron about participating. [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne with Jennison to approach developers about creating accessibile interface to Github. Summary of Resolutions [End of minutes]
Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2018 14:39:17 UTC