Re: Agenda for Silver Task Force meeting of 10 April 2018

Note that I did get the output of table 4's work in the design sprint into
a repository on Github:

Anyone should feel free to either make a Pull Request, or copy it to some
other form for editing and email it back to me. Likewise, I'll happily
provide the content on request.

To play with it in Github, it's at  
(in the atc18 directory)

If the TF decides they want to work on this it's straightforward to
transfer ownership of the repository...


On Mon, 09 Apr 2018 17:00:28 +0200, Shawn Lauriat <>

> agenda+ Review the report from Design Sprint & prototyping
> agenda+ GitHub stuff
> ----
>  Conference Call Info:

Chaals: Charles (McCathie) Nevile    find more at
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Received on Monday, 9 April 2018 17:05:39 UTC