Minutes of the Silver Task Force meeting of 26 September

Formatted Minutes:

Text of Minutes

       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                     Silver Task Force Teleconference

26 Sep 2017

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-irc


           jeanne, Shawn, Jennison, Jemma, Jan

           Shawn, Jeanne



      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Task Force driven research: interviews, analysis,
          2. [5]Interviews
          3. [6]Research project updates
          4. [7]CSUN submission
      * [8]Summary of Action Items
      * [9]Summary of Resolutions

Task Force driven research: interviews, analysis, etc.




    <scribe> scribe: jeanne

    Shawn: the target research questions are helpful for follow up
    and making sure that the conversation stays focused.
    ... I will contact Loretta for the pilot.
    ... I will send her the questions in advance

    Jennison: I strongly suggest you record it.
    ... you can tell them that you will destroy the recording after
    you take notes.

    Jeanne: I don't think we should automatically destroy it. If
    the person being interviewed insists, then we could, but I
    don't want to automatically destroy information.

    Jennison: We need to figure out how to handle interview data
    and attribution.

    Jemma: That's correct, in an academic environment we have to
    get ethics board approval for our policies of privacy,
    attribution, and publication.

    Jennison: We have to take a stance that what we are doing. We
    have to be consistent. We have to be explicit and transparent
    of what we are going to do.

    Jemma: There are guidelines in academia. The interviewee has to
    be informed in advance.

    Jeanne: I think that what we do has to be in the public record,
    for reasons of transparency. I'm ok with with correcting the
    record, but we shouldn't have secret interviews.

    Michael: We don't want there to be claims of opinions that
    aren't verifiable. Normally, we offer attribution to credit
    people, but if people don't want the credit, because I think is
    not a problem.

    Jemma: If I want to join the research as a member of
    UofIllinois without having IRB review for human subject
    ... (IRB, Institutional Review Board). If I participate in the
    Interview or Survey projects, I have to have permission from my

    Shawn: It's ok that you aren't involved, since you have a lot
    of work on the Literature Review.


      [11] https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/forms-templates/templates

    Michael: I don't want a 3 month delay for IRB review, but we
    should be careful to follow protocols for working with human
    ... The Research Questions Task Force could help. It would be
    best to work with David Sloan.

    Jemma: There is an online training that we have to go through.
    It protects the interviewee. It takes a little time but it is

    <jemma> [12]https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/

      [12] https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/


      [13] https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/review-processes-checklists








      [17] https://couhes.mit.edu/training-research-involving-human-subjects

    <scribe> ACTION: Jemma to talk with her contact at IRB about
    what is needed to conduct research. [recorded in

      [18] http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html#action01

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-123 - Talk with her contact at irb
    about what is needed to conduct research. [on JaEun Ku - due

    <scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to (with Jennison) to read through the
    IRB information [recorded in

      [19] http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html#action02

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-124 - (with jennison) to read through
    the irb information [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-10-03].

    <scribe> ACTION: Jan to (with Sheri) to investigate the IRB
    requirements and give a recommendation. [recorded in

      [20] http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html#action03

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-125 - (with sheri) to investigate the
    irb requirements and give a recommendation. [on Jan McSorley -
    due 2017-10-03].

Research project updates

    Jan: I talked with Tyson last week. He has a list of questions
    to ask at the staff and students at the Community College
    ... Read and respond to the email I sent with the questions.
    ... I have a meeting with him in two weeks.
    ... are there other questions we want him to ask?
    ... Klaus has been busy with travel and the college. He hasn't
    been able to find a time to meet about the CSUN special journal
    idea, and wants to exchange ideas by email.
    ... I want to Shawn and Jeanne to propose to Klaus what we want
    to do. We need to think through that.
    ... he will need to get permission from CSUN to do it.
    ... I haven't heard back from Nancy. Michael Heron and I
    meeting this week.
    ... Michael wants to do a diary study with students with a
    course requirement.

    Jeanne: I think we need to have a meeting to discuss Klaus'
    proposal. I don't know enough about his idea to be able to
    write a proposal of what we want.


    Jemma: How do you want us to respond to Tyson?

    Jan: Please respond to the email with your comments inline.

    Jennison: Is there an urgency to publish this year? Could we
    publish next year (2019)?

    Jan: I think there is no urgency. Klaus is trying to be helpful
    in getting the word out.

CSUN submission



    Shawn: Pete McNally will join us Friday to talk abot Survey

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Jan to (with Sheri) to investigate the IRB
    requirements and give a recommendation. [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to (with Jennison) to read through the IRB
    information [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: Jemma to talk with her contact at IRB about what
    is needed to conduct research. [recorded in

      [22] http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html#action03
      [23] http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html#action02
      [24] http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 29 September 2017 17:46:18 UTC