Minutes of the Silver Subgroup Teleconference of 06 Jun 2017

https://www.w3.org/2017/06/06-silver-minutes.html <https://www.w3.org/2017/06/06-silver-minutes.html>


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    Silver Task Force Teleconference

06 Jun 2017

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2017/06/06-silver-irc


          jeanne, sarah, shawn, Jennison

          Jan, Jemma




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Research survey core research questions finalized
         2. [5]Research project sheet review
         3. [6]Poll
         4. [7]Action item review
     * [8]Summary of Action Items
     * [9]Summary of Resolutions

Research survey core research questions finalized

   <jeanne> Shawn: I want to make sure we actually ahve finalized

   <jeanne> Sarah: I don't have any updates to it.

   Shawn: Dave needs to share with RQTF
   ... No other open comments on document

   <Lauriat> Core Research Questions draft doc:

     [10] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vDzSCO-mEnPB7jaAzIhOOLf92b0pCuzzR8u_GSWTw_M/edit

   Shawn: two sections, one is core questions, second for those
   who work in accessibility

   Jeanne: Why are we asking about employment status

   Sarah: Part of demographic information, who are we hearing from

   Shawn: Next step is to hear back from Dave about feedback from

   Jeanne: Will close this on Friday

Research project sheet review

   <jeanne> Sarah: I heard back from Pete McNally. He has revised
   his survey based on the core questions and he is ready to go.

   <jeanne> ... he just needs us to give the ok on the core

   <jeanne> ... I have no other ideas. I fear the Michigan State
   people have dropped off because they haven't responded.

   <jeanne> Jennison: Do we have a protocol of saying fond
   farewell gracefully, or do we just hope they will come back.

   <jeanne> Sarah: I have a protocol of a message that I send
   saying that we are taking them off our active list, but if they
   want to contribute, please contact us.

   <jeanne> Sarah: I followed up with Michael Heron that the task
   force has reviewed the prompts. Jam may have heard back from
   him, but I haven't.


   <Lauriat> Research question prioritization poll:

     [11] https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/1wjB5ZCvMAIBpMkQELA61czFsRR3-EVdjJbyeaZXNRMY/edit

   Shawn: Made some edits to make questions work as standalone

   Jeanne: Question about making the required

   Shawn: We decided to make them required, but it's pretty long
   ... Could break them up into sections, or make all the
   questions not required

   Jennison: Vote to split it up, would have progress bar to show

   Jeanne: Does Google Forms have ability to have progress bar be
   name of category?

   Shawn: Can have each page named, but progress bar shows current

   Jeanne: Could we have a menu page with table of contents

   Shawn: Yes, can do that
   ... Include table of contents, break up questions into
   sections, and make questions optional

   Jennison: How about question, what are we missing?

   Shawn: Will add that
   ... Will finalize poll and description
   ... Next step, Jennison has draft communication, send to
   community group mailing list, ag-wg, targeting send out next
   wekk, Monday or Tuesday

   Jeanne: Could get on AG-WG agenda to promote

Action item review


     [12] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/track/actions/open

   Jeanne: Do we need to review?

   Shawn: We added as agenda item because things weren't happening
   ... Let's talk about action items coming up this week
   ... Reach out to a11y meetup organizers, heads up on Silver
   work, ways to get involved

   Jeanne: Also link to CSUN presentation

   Jennison: Could we also say someone from Silver could address

   Shawn: Depends on community, for some just an email, for others
   might want to have as topic

   Jennison: Happy to do it, will work with Shawn

   Shawn: Draft communication to stakeholders, is done, need to
   set up WBS form to go with it

   Jeanne: Do we want to work on it now?

   <jeanne> action-68 due 12 June

   <trackbot> Set action-68 With shawn and sarah draft a
   communication with the stakeholders. due date to 2017-06-12.

   Jeanne: Work with Dave on budget, move due date to Friday

   <jeanne> action-81 due 9 June

   <trackbot> Set action-81 Talk with dave to draw up a budget to
   support research - particularly self-reporting studies. due
   date to 2017-06-09.

   Sarah: Will share bonus survey idea on Friday

   Jeanne: Jennison arranging Nov 9 meetup, will check with him on

   Shawn: Won't be on Friday call

   Jeanne: Meeting with Jemma this week to talk about literature
   ... Will make sure copyright is part of discussion
   ... Jan and Jeanne meeting this week to work on policies for
   stakeholder list

   <scribe> Scribe: Sarah

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

Sarah Horton
User Experience Strategy Lead
The Paciello Group
A VFO™ Company 
603 252-6052 mobile

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Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2017 14:20:38 UTC