- From: McNally, Peter <PMcNally@Bentley.edu>
- Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 06:04:39 +0000
- To: "'public-silver@w3.org'" <public-silver@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <EE37697843F8A8489EDE1ACF09190AEC01063A1E54@EXCHMB1.gold.ad.bentley.edu>
* Any proposed changes and additions o It is not clear how many stakeholder groups there are? Even if not fully defined, a draft list should be available. All questions should categorized by stakeholder group as questions may be specific to certain stakeholder groups. For example: ? People with disabilities * Different disability types (visual, physical, etc.) ? Organizations with web sites (various roles such as) * UX * Designers * Developers * Business people/Managers/Decision makers ? AT vendors ? Etc. o I would also focus on business people/managers/decision makers more. From reading the questions it seems there is a bias toward developers. While this is important if there is not buy in from management it is hard for accessibility to get support. ? Proposed new questions: * How well do W3C Accessibility Guidelines communicate that accessibility supports business goals by expanding customer reach/growing revenue? * What are the main reasons why accessibility is not seen as on the critical path for product success? What could W3C do to communicate the importance of accessibility to the business community? * The research questions I'd be interested in answering o I am interested in questions related to Analysis of WCAG adaptations. I would be interested in working with any groups/stakeholders, but I am interested in understanding how UX professionals view the WCAG and accessibility in general. I feel UX professionals could be more engaged when it comes to accessibility and could help laying the foundation before development is involved. I see surveys and interviews as some methods to use. ? What aspects of WCAG do people drop? ? Added: What aspects of WCAG are most important? If you have to prioritize what do you focus on? Why? ? what aspects of WCAG do people think are missing? ? What do people change about WCAG? ? What things are reworded for clarity? ? Ways to deliver the WCAG information more efficiently Peter McNally Senior Consultant User Experience Center (UXC) BENTLEY UNIVERSITY 175 Forest Street | Waltham MA 02452 t 781.891.2893| | f 781.891.3481 e pmcnally@bentley.edu<mailto:pmcnally@bentley.edu> | bentley.edu<http://www.bentley.edu/>/uxc Follow us: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/BentleyUXC/> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/BentleyUXC> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/3484094?trk=tyah&trkInfo=clickedVertical%3Acompany%2CclickedEntityId%3A3484094%2Cidx%3A4-2-12%2CtarId%3A1484769695249%2Ctas%3AUser%20Experience>
Received on Sunday, 12 February 2017 15:18:08 UTC