Using Silver mailing list

Hi all - now that the mailing list is set up, you 
should adapt some of your communication habits. For nearly all email 
communications for the task force, you should use the mailing list, 
rather than private messages. There are a couple reasons:

  * There may be people you don't realize have joined the task force,
    whom you might unintentionally exclude from the conversation. Using
    the mailing list ensures all participants are sent the message. The
    current list of participants is at
  * The Task Force is operating under W3C Process, which requires public
    accountability and archiving of discussions to help preserve
    institutional memory. Messages sent to the Silver Task Force are
    archived at

Very occasionally there is a need for non-public discussion, but there 
are only a few use cases for it. Please come to me, the WCAG chairs, and 
the task force facilitators if you think this is needed and we can talk 
about whether, when, and how to do it. But in general you should use the 
task force tools listed at 
to do the work.


Received on Friday, 18 November 2016 16:54:41 UTC