I can move something to make room from 3 - 3:30pm.
On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 12:40 PM Rachael Bradley Montgomery <
rachael@accessiblecommunity.org> wrote:
> I can make a 3pm check in.
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 12:36 PM Michael Cooper <cooper@w3.org> wrote:
>> Today is an amazingly packed schedule for me, but I know we have need for
>> some more check-ins. The only slots in my calendar, and the times I propose
>> are:
>> - 3 pm Boston time for 1/2 hour, for Silver editors check-in
>> - 7 pm Boston time (5 pm Chuck time) for lightning talk review
>> Will those work?
>> Michael
> --
> Rachael Montgomery, PhD
> Director, Accessible Community
> rachael@accessiblecommunity.org
> "I will paint this day with laughter;
> I will frame this night in song."
> - Og Mandino