Re: Note from Lisa

Note this is default browser styling. While we could experiment with out 
own styling, there is a risk that it would make things worse by adding 
unfamiliar UI. I suggest we treat this as a browser issue rather than an 
"us" issue. We could include something somewhere in introductory 
materials to explain the UI, though it would easily be buried and 
missed. Michael

On 03/11/2020 8:45 a.m., Rachael Bradley Montgomery wrote:
> Hello,
> Lisa pointed out that the styling on the plain language summary does 
> not look like it is clickable. I think we should experiment a bit with 
> these (perhaps styling the heading like a link) to make it clearer).
> Rachael
> -- 
> Rachael Montgomery, PhD
> Director, Accessible Community
> <>
> "I will paint this day with laughter;
> I will frame this night in song."
>  - Og Mandino

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2020 13:53:25 UTC