six more 2.0 issues

We were down to three issue but then I surveyed the issues with no
milestone (is:open is:issue no:milestone) and found six that either
belonged on the 2.0 track or needed an explicit decision otherwise.
This brings us to nine 2.0 issues:

#15 Remove "negated properties" from features in Webpage and
 in primer primer

  This calls for some maintenance and wordsmithing. In particular,
  need to describe the use of the
    my:predicate . {0}
  idiom to do simple negation. The spec link is involved as it
  needs an explicit trace like the examples above it.

#26 Design a nice logo for ShEx help-wanted webPage

  Anyone of for some art?  

#33 Title of document "Shape Expression Vocabulary Terms"

  I think Gregg was hoping that Jesse would take over maintenance of
  this document.

#37 ShapeMap with negative declarations enhancement language-suggestion

  This is a modest enhancement of the spec to say that a ShapeMap
  records both positive and negative node/shape associations. We don't
  prescribe any reporting standard for now so no further work is
  necessary unless we decide this reflects on the tests.

#39 Update Antlr grammar to be in synch with the recent changes in BNF

  I think it may be in synch. A simple ShExC-to-ShExJ program written
  in some ANTLR-supported language would prove that.

#40 "max": "*" in ShExJ interpreted as xsd:integer vocabularyTerms

  This should be resolved given the migration to INF. Anyone know

#41 ^^-style facet arguments Voting-Needed

  This is prototyped in all relevent repos and should be

#38 Representing top level shape references bug Voting-Needed

  I believe this is resolved.

#42 Use of schema start vs shapeMap language-suggestion spec

  I thought this was going to be easy but I'm less confident now.


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