ShapeRef and Inclusion redundant in RDF representation · Issue #22 · shexSpec/shex

For those not following GitHub issues, I’ve created a branch off of shexTest that implements what was described in this issue:

* ShExJ removes ShapeRef and Inclusion to just reference ShapeExpression or TripleExpression via an IRI, which is consistent with the RDF semantics.
* The “label” term is replaced with “id”, which seems more natural for people coming from JSON-LD.
* Inclusion changed from referencing ShapeExpression to a TripleExpression. This follows from the first point, as the range of “expressions” should be TripleExpression, and shouldn’t include a Shape directly. Given that the grammar has productionLable already, this requires minimal change.

See the issue for further discussion.

> <>

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 02:32:56 UTC