CfC and revised reviews

Dear Working Group,

Since the Call for Consensus for the First Public Working Drafts of SHACL 1.2 Core and SHACL 1.2 SPARQL was released, we have had a change proposed to the text of both documents to highlight Node Expressions that we hope will appear in the First Public Working Drafts. The additions to the documents are in the PR with:

Example 15 in this rendering of SHACL 12. Core:

The section "SPARQL-based Node Expressions" in SHACL 1.2 SPARQL:

If you responded to the CfC before this change was discussed in the Monday meeting 4 days ago, please review your response to the CfC. We assume responses after Monday's meeting were made with knowledge of this change in mind..

Thanks, Nick
On behalf of the co-chairs

Received on Thursday, 6 March 2025 23:40:03 UTC