Re: "globally closed" schema?

> On 19 Jan 2024, at 10:05 am, Robert David <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> thanks for the info. Having a report on positive results is really helpful in practice.
> Btw. are there any plans to update the W3C recommendation eventually?

No specific plans to update the recommendation and it would be a multi-year process. The previous WG is closed
and it would require a new working group. Meanwhile this CG is supposed to prepare the stage.

Occasionally there is discussion on that topic on

But each time I ask who would like to contribute to a new W3C group, there is not enough enthusiasm.


> Best regards,
> Robert
> Am Do., 18. Jan. 2024 um 18:44 Uhr schrieb Holger Knublauch < <>>:
>>> On 18 Jan 2024, at 4:29 pm, Vladimir Alexiev < <>> wrote:
>>> sh:closed is local, i.e. per shape. It checks that a targeted node doesn't include unsanctioned props.
>>> I'm looking for ways to declare a globally closed schema, i.e. to catch untargeted nodes, i.e. that the KG doesn't include unsanctioned nodes. 
>>> 1. I guess one can do it with SPARQL (SHACL advanced) by triggering off some fixed node.
>>>   Here's a very expensive way to catch all nodes: select distinct ?s {?s ?p ?o}
>>> 2. It would be useful to "mark" all nodes visited during SHACL validation.
>>> - SHEX has a way to report positive results: 
>>> - SHACL doesn't have a standard way to report positive results: .
>>>   But there is a note "SHACL implementations may use other SHACL subclasses of sh:AbstractResult, for example, to report successfully completed constraint checks or accumulated results."
>>>   Say we "standardize" a new class eg dash:PositiveValidation
>> Already exist:
>> dash:SuccessResult
>>   a rdfs:Class ;
>>   rdfs:comment "A result representing a successfully validated constraint." ;
>>   rdfs:label "Success result" ;
>>   rdfs:subClassOf sh:AbstractResult ;
>> .
>>> Then one could look for nodes that don't appear in sh:ValidationResult.focusNode nor dash:PositiveValidation.focusNode
>> Yes.
>> There may also be different algorithms such as enumerating the allowed rdf:types which could be represented with a targeted constraint on rdf:type and a sh:in. This depends on what someone considers unsanctioned nodes.
>> Holger
>>> All feedback is welcome!

Received on Friday, 19 January 2024 10:05:41 UTC