The new Data Shapes WG - invitation


As you may be aware from official W3C emails and announcements, the Data Shapes WG #2 has been approved and this Community Group will close as the two groups cover the same territory of specification development and maintenance.

Unlike the CG, the WG aims to produce new and new versions of existing, SHACL-based Recommendations (standards).

You will find all information on the Working Group on the Group's home page:, in particular the WG's Charter:

Please see the proposed Deliverables:

- SHACL 1.2 Core

- SHACL 1.2 SPARQL Extensions
- SHACL 1.2 User Interfaces
- SHACL 1.2 Inferencing Rules
- SHACL 1.2 Profiling

- SHACL 1.2 Compact Syntax

Some of those Deliverables are updates in like with RDF 1.2 (RDf-Star), others are extensions that have been anticipated for a while (SHACL UI, SHACL CS) and some are innovations (SHACL Inferencing Rules & Profiling)/

My co-chair of the WG, Eliana, and I invite each of you to join the WG, the options for which are given on the Group's home page, linked to above.


Nick & Eliana
Data Shapes WG Co-Chairs

Dr Nicholas Car

Data Architect



[website] 0477 560 177

[website] [](

Dr Nicholas Car

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

College of Engineering,
Computing & Cybernetics,
Australian National University


[website] [Nicholas Car @ CECC](

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2024 01:46:31 UTC