Dear Linked Data WG / SHACL CG users,
Some time ago, CSIRO added the ability for pySHACL, the Python SHACL
validator [1] to be run as a standalone application on Windows. Users can
now easily create a Windows binary (an EXE file) of the Python program (see
[2]) so that you can validate RDF data from the Windows command line
without the need for running a Python program. This should greatly help
those who “just wanna validate RDF” and don’t want to have to fiddle with
programming frameworks.
It would be possible to automate the generation of Windows EXE files from
the instructions in the repo per pySHACL release, so if people want that,
please just ask and we could do this.
Thank you Jonathan Yu for the Pyinstaller work to make this happen!
Thanks you Ashley Sommer for your continued maintenance of pySHACL!