Re: sh:minInclusive and custom datatypes

Hi Håvard,

yes this is how it is supposed to work, because sh:minInclusive (etc) 
rely on the SPARQL operators such as < and those operators don't support 
user-defined datatypes. The SHACL Playground has slightly incorrect 
handling of datatypes. I guess the best thing you could do is to define 
a SPARQL-based solution that does something like

     FILTER (xsd:decimal(?value) < xsd:decimal($minInclusive))


On 11/1/2020 7:27 PM, Håvard Ottestad wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m wondering how to make sh:minInclusive work with custom datatypes.
> Essentially I would like to achieve something like the following:
> ex:measurementShape
>         a sh:NodeShape ;
>         sh:targetClass ex:Measurement ;
>         sh:property [
>                sh:path ex:temperature ;
>                 sh:minInclusive "0”^^unit:celsius ;
>         ] .
> And allow for data such as:
> [] a ex:Measurement;
>         ex:temperature "10”^^unit:celsius.
> Currently this is leading to a validation error with the reference 
> validator, unless the temperature is exactly 0.
> I supposed this is how it is supposed to work! However it doesn’t lead 
> to a validation error on 
> <>
> Cheers,
> Håvard

Received on Sunday, 1 November 2020 22:50:10 UTC