Re: pySHACL Question

Hi James,

Something funny about that Gist: it doesn’t resolve!

Sorry but without that, I can’t retry your first command quoted below to try and replicate your output.

> is it a best practice to always put everything into a single file?

Quite the opposite: my day-to-day use of pySHACL involves separate shape, ontology and data files. The SHACL playground [1] also expects the shape files to be separate from the data files.

I will say that your SHACL shape results (which I can’t see the source files for since the gist is gone) should really have error messages in them so you can get some human-readable send of what’s through be a violation.

What do you see int eh data files where the errors are triggered in the all-in-one validation? Even whiteout human-redable error messages, you should be able to manually inspect the focus nodes (d:e4, d:e3 & d:e2) and see if you can determine whether they are should be failing. For example, it looks like d:e2 is missing 1+ hr:jobGrade.

One final thing, a point of order: for this sort of question, you might be better off in StackOverflow tagged [shacl] [2] as it’s a use question (of a SHACL tool), rather than a SHACL dev question per se.



[1] <> 
[2] <> 

> On 30 Mar 2020, at 9:59 pm, James Hudson <> wrote:
> Hello,
> If this is not the appropriate forum for this question, please let me know.
> I have a gist with all of the relevant files at: <>
> If I execute:
> $ pyshacl -a -f human employees.ttl
> I get the following, correct validation report...
> Validation Report
> Conforms: False
> Results (3):
> Constraint Violation in MaxInclusiveConstraintComponent ( <>):
>  Severity: sh:Violation
>  Source Shape: hr:jobGradeShape
>  Focus Node: d:e4
>  Value Node: Literal("8", datatype=xsd:integer)
>  Result Path: hr:jobGrade
> Constraint Violation in DatatypeConstraintComponent ( <>):
>  Severity: sh:Violation
>  Source Shape: hr:jobGradeShape
>  Focus Node: d:e3
>  Value Node: Literal("3.14", datatype=xsd:decimal)
>  Result Path: hr:jobGrade
> Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent ( <>):
>  Severity: sh:Violation
>  Source Shape: hr:jobGradeShape
>  Focus Node: d:e2
>  Result Path: hr:jobGrade
> However, if I split employees.ttl into three files containing the schema, shape, and instance data and run:
> pyshacl -s shape.ttl -e schema.ttl -a -f human instance.ttl
> the result is:
> Validation Report
> Conforms: True
> I assume I am calling pyshacl correctly.
> If there are other tools similar to pySHACL that allow me to split the shape, schema, and instance files, I would be interested in learning about them. Or, is it a best practice to always put everything into a single file?
> Regards,
> James

Dr Nicholas Car
Data Systems Architect
SURROUND Australia Pty Ltd 
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Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2020 10:49:35 UTC