Re: Service or repository of SHACL rules available? (like LOV or


The ShEx community started a git repo for common schemas here:

With RDFUnit I was trying to tackle the same problem some time ago.
My approach back then was git + maven. i.e. use git to store constraints
for geo, nif, rml ... and also have then as resources that could be
accessed as a maven dependency [1]

e.g. whenever someone was trying to validate data that had e.g. geo, rml or
nif  properties / classes, RDFUnit could be set to add these constraints
automatically during validation. Since I had them in the classpath, there
was no need for internet access to get them
At the moment, these constraints are written using the RDFUnit test case /
pattern definitions [2] but most of them could be simplified to shapes



On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Simon Steyskal <>

> Hi Konrad!
> It is nice to see, that there is interest
>> in such a service!
> As Holger and Phil already mentioned, there definitely is (see e.g., SHACL
> for OWL2 [1]).
> So thanks a lot for working on this!
> Nitpicking:
> Because i want to use SHACL rules in a research project[1]
>> extensively, [..]
> The concept of "rules" in SHACL is defined in SHACL's Advanced Features
> Note [2,3].
> What you mean are "SHACL shapes" [4].
> [1]
> eb/0152.html
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> br, simon
> ---
> DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
> www:  twitter: @simonsteys
> Am 2017-07-03 17:59, schrieb Konrad Abicht:
>> Hello Holger and Phil,
>> thanks for your responses. It is nice to see, that there is interest
>> in such a service!
>> Because i want to use SHACL rules in a research project[1]
>> extensively, i am very much interested in having a working prototype
>> as soon as possible. I built a basic one myself, which may be a good
>> starting point for further discussions. The working title is schreckl.
>> Schreckl is a minimal working prototype and runs on my private web
>> space at .
>> It has a basic overview and discovery function (a full text search).
>> The code of the service is located at Github[2].
>> Data behind the service is based on the Github repository [3].
>> Currently, i have to update the ARC2-based triple store manually, but
>> later, a CRON job or something like that could do the job too.
>> Github should be the place to curate the rules/rule groups, as Phil
>> suggested. Currently, only a few rule groups are available. I tried
>> different ways to organize rules, rule groups and their meta data. A
>> basic example how to formulate meta data can be found at [4].
>> We should discuss a meta data format for SHACL rule groups. A SHACL
>> rule group is a collection of SHACL rules, which points to SHACL rules
>> that semantically form a unit, to counter a certain use case. Think
>> about a collection rules, which describe different accessibility
>> features of a building (e.g. ramp, lift...).
>> An example rule group could be:
>> (is only for foaf:Person)
>> :AdultShapeInfo
>>>     rdf:type srekl:ShapeInfo ;
>>>     dc11:title "foaf:Person - Adult Person"@en ;
>>>     dc11:description "This rules describe a foaf:Person which is
>>> considered an adult."@en ;
>>>     dc11:source <https://raw.githubusercontent
>>> .com/schreckl/rules/master/rules/adult-person/adult-person.ttl#> ;
>>>     sh:targetClass foaf:Person ;
>>>     srekl:applies-to :AdultShape .
>> An instance of srekl:ShapeInfo is a SHACLE rule group. A group
>> provides a title, a sufficient description and source information
>> (URL?). The sh:targetClass points to related classes, for which the
>> different rules are for. Via the srekly:applies-to property, it points
>> to instances of sh:NodeShape, the SHACL rules itself.
>> I would like to hear your feedback on this! My next steps are to
>> provide further SHACL rule groups for my work (topic: accessible
>> information about buildings, based on [6]). Better automation (data
>> gathering from Github) or downloadable rules could be helpful as well.
>> ###
>> Phil wrote:
>>> I suggest that the SHACL CG [1] might be the place to discuss and pursue
>>> this very good idea.
>> I thought is the way to go to communicate
>> with the SHACL community. To reach SHACL CG i also sent this mail to
>> Links:
>> [1] - (German)
>> [2] -
>> [3] -
>> [4] -
>> le-building/meta.ttl
>> [5] -
>> le-building
>> [6] -
>> tologies/building
>> On 29.06.2017 07:05, Phil Archer wrote:
>>> I suggest that the SHACL CG [1] might be the place to discuss and pursue
>>> this very good idea. The collection would probably be curated in a GitHub
>>> repo overseen by that group?
>>> Phil
>>> [1]
>>> On 28/06/2017 23:38, Holger Knublauch wrote:
>>>> Hi Konrad,
>>>> I am not aware of such a service. It would be a great starting point.
>>>> SHACL will have a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem, as it needs a
>>>> certain level of adoption before more people will invest into it. Any
>>>> collections of SHACL files will help.
>>>> And of course the SHACL files themselves, first. For example, I recently
>>>> created a quick version of the RDF Data Cube vocabulary's constraints,
>>>> which ended up at
>>>> (and BTW would benefit from a proper "owner"). A service where people
>>>> could register their SHACL files would be awesome.
>>>> Holger
>>>> On 27/06/2017 21:35, Konrad Abicht wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> does anyone know a service (e.g. LOV or or repository (e.g.
>>>>> on Github) which provides SHACL rules, grouped by target classes?
>>>>> I would like to search rules by target class, for instance,
>>>>> foaf:Person. After getting a list, i would like to download certain
>>>>> ones and use them locally. Versioning or collaboration tools would be
>>>>> great too, so that the community may contribute to SHACL rules.
>>>>> Thanks in advance!

Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association
Research Group: AKSW/KILT

Received on Tuesday, 4 July 2017 07:29:56 UTC