- From: Viviana Patti <patti@di.unito.it>
- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 09:25:44 +0100
- To: public-sentiment@w3.org
- Message-ID: <2b21ba6d-de28-d574-d14c-c44de3c7ece2@di.unito.it>
[Apologies for multiple postings] ---------------------------------------------- First Call for Participation ---------------------------------------------- IBEREVAL 2017: Task: Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence Webpage: http://stel.ub.edu/Stance-IberEval2017 held in conjunction with the SEPLN 2017 International conference 19th September 2017, University of Murcia, Murcia (Spain) ---------------------------------------------- The aim of this task is to detect the author’s gender and stance (i.e., the position adopted in favor, against or neutral with respect to an issue) in tweets written in Spanish and/or Catalan on the subject of the independence of Catalonia. Stance detection is related to sentiment analysis, but there are some significant differences: In sentiment analysis, the systems detect whether a sentiment (especially, an opinion) is positive, negative or neutral. In stance detection, the systems detect whether the author is favorable or unfavorable to a given issue, which may or may not be explicitly mentioned in the text. In this task, the issue or target is a political one, the independence of Catalonia. Stance detection is particularly interesting for studying political debates in which the topic is controversial. Therefore for this task we have chosen to focus on a specific political target: the independence of Catalonia. This task is also related to a textual inference task due to the fact that the position of the tweeter is often expressed implicitly, therefore, the stance has to be inferred in many cases. In the training phase, the participants will be provided with the TW-CaSe training corpus manually annotated with stance and gender. The possible stance labels are: ‘favor’, ‘against’ and ‘none’ for the stance, and ‘male’ and ‘female’ for gender. Later, the unlabelled test data will be released. After the assessment, the labels for the test data will also be released. We cordially invite all researchers and practitioners from all fields to participate in this task: Stance and Gender detection in tweets on Catalan Independence. We also invite the participants to subscribe to our mailing list in order to be kept up to date with the latest news related to the task: stance-ibereval2017@googlegroups.com ---------------------------------------------- Important Dates ---------------------------------------------- 20 March 2017: Release of training data (training period starts) 24 April 2017: Release of test data 8 May 2017: Systems results 15 May 2017: Results notification 29 May 2017: Working papers submission 12 June 2017: Working papers reviewed (peer-reviewed) 26 June 2017: Camera ready 19 September 2017: IBEREVAL 2017 Workshop ---------------------------------------------- Track Coordinators ---------------------------------------------- Mariona Taulé, M. Antònia Martí (Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Spain) Francisco Rangel (Autoritas Consulting, Spain) Paolo Rosso (Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain) Viviana Patti, Cristina Bosco (Università degli Studi di Torino (UniTO), Italy) ---------------------------------------------- Contact ---------------------------------------------- E-mail: stancetask2017@gmail.com Track Web page: stel.ub.edu/Stance-IberEval2017
Received on Friday, 24 February 2017 08:26:53 UTC