Re: Meeting next week

Dear all,

You can find the minutes of the meeting here:

To those of you who joined: thank you. Feel free to add anything I might
have missed and remove anything that should not be public.

The summary is that we need a better review the state of the art for a
comprehensive survey. We defined some action points, which we will check in
our next meeting on *7th July, 13.00 CEST*.

@Pavel, welcome to the community group!. I believe aspect-based sentiment
analysis is an important use case for us, and it is also in our interest to
have more quality datasets. A common LD model should improve the
accessibility/interoperability of different datasets and ease the
development of a common toolset.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Pavel Velikhov <>

> Hi, I was late for the call today, looked up CEST incorrectly. And at the
> end of the call something happened to my Skype, seems like nobody could
> hear me…
> So I’m a bit in the dark about the next steps of the group.
> My interest is quite simple and I think is shared by a number of companies
> in the industry: we develop technologies for aspect-based sentiment
> analysis, but both the training data available and benchmark results need a
> lot more work to be useful. So that’s my main interest and I’d be happy to
> share all the details of what I think we’re missing now.

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2015 14:36:30 UTC